am i optimising my grow?


Active Member
I tried to post a thread the other day but posted in wrong section [as i'm sure many others also]no problem though as somebody tried to help me out and sent it to this section but nobody has actually tried to answer my original queries only pointed out the f-ing obvious that i ain't no good on these here computers!!!.So now i shall try again and hope that people who know alot more about growing weed will kindly offer me advice,[also ignore the fact i'm a crazy brit?]as that's what the inter-net is for...sharing knowledge etc,not to show off and be ignorant???[or is it?].I've been growing now for two years and learnt most of it from different sites sat night after night stoned and reading etc but now have come to the stage where i could do with some advice!.My play room is about three metres square[actual grow space is two and a half metres long by a metre long upto roof hight]out-side brick shed fully insulated with adjoining shed where i keep ballasts ,carbon filters taken threw adjoining wall.I have two six hundred sodium bulbs inside a hood i made ,which virtually covers grow area that's also surrounded with silver myla.I have a six inch in-let fan directly drawn in from out side which is then blown over tops of plants by sixteen inch oscilating fan positioned next to it,then exhausted out by two four inch fans[one positioned in top of hood]piped into room next door threw two carbon filters[ obviously fans at different ends and hight].My dark period is 7 a.m to 7 p.m and on this grow i have about seventy plants in four to six inch pots in there fifth week of flowering and all doing great but my problem is-currently i leave on all fans 24/7, two four inch exhausting out ,one six inch drawing in ,plus oscilating fan moving air around,temps about 70 to 80 and about 60 during dark period,humidity is about 60% [abit more in dark!]and every thing seems to be great,never grown in little pots before ,or so many ,but apart from a little over crowding the only worry i have is the bloody elecky bill -about five pound a day?,i do have a double digital timer but it's a nightmare trying to set it! and currently on 12/12.Do i need them going 24/7 or can i get away with less,thank you for reading this hope it makes sence, it's early in morning and only had two spliffs???gonna go and stroke my out door babies in my garden which have been growing since january there now seven foot monsters [even under the English sun which only shines in the post cards]but i doubt they will yield much bud...oh well ,must keep trying, you can't beat smoking your own can you???


Active Member
twice now i've submitted questions and not a tiny bit of advice in return?obviously everybody knows nothing about weed growing ,but plenty about bollox to the lot of you so called growers???and i'll carry on as i am cus theres nothing wrong with my end product just wanna know if i need all my toys running 24/7...good luck every body i've got alot more important things to do than sit here and wonder if somebody will advice me.Too early in morning...BYE!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey ALI welcome to riu..sorry ur haveing a bad start here..but no worry bro..yeah you do sound like a crazy smoke another spliff and lets try to fix ur i whould say if ur high temp is 80F thats not that bad..u see ur a crazy brit but im a lazy i dont want to convert metres to i'll ask u whats ur fans cfm?? also did u think about geting a cooltube?? insted of the reflecter u have..that way u can hook them up so that it starts with ur {carbin fliter, then a inline fan to ur 1st cooltube,ducting to next cooltube,ducting to next ex fan and out the room all sucking the hot air out of the room}u need to have more air being sucked out..that way u have nagitve air persser and u wont really need a intake if its sucking fresh air from out side via a hole in wall or something like that ya dig?? then u just need a fan to move the air around the room just do the math of the sqft of the room to the cfm's of the fans..and u can get the lights closer to the plants via the cooltube.. i hope i helped u sorry if i didnt good luck MATE:mrgreen:...peace....


stays relevant.
Ali you have absolutely no right to speak poorly about the users of this community because they didn't answer your questions... Not only were your posts unorganized, but they were difficult to read.

And in regards to your suggestion that we don't know what we're doing, why would you come here and ask? If you come back to the site, be nice- because nobody wants to help someone who is being a jerk. You're only making yourself look bad.

-GrowTech :)


Well-Known Member
yea i don't know but you gotta be patient man, anyways sounds like everything is ok to me., if yer plants are in their fifth week of flower then you want to leave them 12/12 until they're ready to chop. high temps of 8o degrees is not too hot, so you shouldn't worry about heat either. sounds like you're doing fine. do you have nutrients?

try and maybe separate some of your thoughts, like this..


Well-Known Member
You really only need 1 exhaust fan running when lights are off, something to keep negative pressure so the stink don't get out. Other than that sounds like its working well. power is so expensive over there, over here it only costs me your equivalent of 20 pounds to run a 1200 Watt setup for a whole month. Has Britain looked into cloud power? You guys got lots of those, put em to work!


Active Member
I wondered the same and tried with just one exhausting but because the in-let fan is six inch pumped straight in from outside i thought that to get this pressure method etc a single four inch out-let connected to carbon filter would'nt clear room quick enough.I've read all about measure this and measure that ,to get what ever- but maths does my head in? so i roughly guess things and hope for the best!i must be nearly right because my girls are thriving and make me lick my lips and rub my hands together every morning i inspect them and compared to the total shit sold on the U.K streets my roots have got more t.h.c in them than there bud???.Any way thankyou for you reply to my original questions hope the sun over there grows your plants bigger than oak trees cus ours could'nt melt snow!!!