am i late?

hey guys im new and this is my first post... my gf's brother gave me a plant that was three months old last month but it was only about half a foot tall.. they grew it in the woods with fair light... since ive had it here its gotten to about a foot and a half... its not very big but it has grown alot since ive gotten it compared to how long he has had it... do you think its too late for it to do anything or should i keep pushing... still dont know if its a male or female, havnt seen sacks or hairs yet


Well-Known Member
foot and a half seems small for a 4 month old plant...but given the right light and proper care, marijuana will double/triple in size during flowering...yes, you'll get a would help! and welcome to the community!


Well-Known Member
Im sure you will be fine. Depending on your area you might start showing signs of preflowers and even flowering now. Assuming it was planted in April your right along schedule with most of the outdoor growers. You may not have a monster plant on your hands due to previous grow conditions but giving the plant everything it need up until harvest should yeild you something.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry about it.. At that size it still can flower just dunno how much your gonna get from it though..

If your luck you might pull off 1-2 oz from it..

Just take care of it and place it in an area that has as much direct sun light as possible and you might be surprised on how much bigger it's gonna be.. I figure you have about another month to gow befor it will flower depending on where you are.. You might be able to pull off another foot or two out of it.

Once it starts to flower it typically will double in height and size befor it's finnished flowering. But please I can't empicize enough to place it in a spot that will have alot of direct sunlight and give it some 20-20-20.

Keep us posted :)


Well-Known Member
Dude..there really is no such thing as too late..its just ur plants are not going to get as big as you thought are you giving them nutes or anything ill post pics of my plants and i just started thease like 4 weeks ago so i mean im doing fine...its just plants grow very slow not like everyone thinks dont rush it if i were you i'd press the FAQ at the top...but good luck growing...remember if it is ur first time...its a weed it can do a full cycle without no did for a lot of years..but just be sure to keep an eye out for males...males are bad NO NO's...haha but good luck growing..i think you will be alright...Curing is where the tricky part is


Active Member
Okay here is the answer you may have been looking for. Flowering outdoors naturally depends on your geographic location. You can go online and look at the Sunrise/Sunset table for your location and keep going down the calendar till your getting 12 hour days and 12 hour nights or 11 hour days and 13 hour nights. That is the naturally flowering of Cannabis outdoors and usually occurs around October.