without getting into the specifics, those bulbs only put out 100 lumens per watt at best. you can increase output if you can remove the plastic "bulb" off them (assuming they are led and not CFL).
quality leds put out 150-200 lumens per watt. using those figures we use about 30W per square foot to get a good yield. so that is like 120W to cover a 2x2 area.
using those bulbs you will need like 10 of them to get a good yield.
are you cool w trying a diy led strip build? have some basic tools? there are some killer deals going right now. you could build a nice little 100-120W light for under $50 and it will give you much better output. depending on your innovation and scrap parts pile you can maybe even do it for cheaper.
[/QUOyeah I can take the covers off the led. I though about that but wasn't sure. and I'm just going to buy more of the same led for veg. I'm trying get everything from lowes if I can. it's pretty cheap lighting as it is. I'm under the assumption that I can get what I need for at least my own personal gain for sure