Aloha Everyone!


Hey Everyone, Well i'm a newbie here on rollitup and just wanted to let you know a little bout me. I live in hawaii and have been growing for a few months now. My whole family has been growing since I was a little boy and now I'm giving it a try. The weather here is always warm and sunny with a few rain here and there. I been growing in soil and been doing things kinda diffrent then most people. I been veging out my plants under the lights at night and have been bringing them out during the day to get the natural sunlight. The reason for doing this is because I need to get my plants to a certain size before I bud them out and by giving them the natural sunlight during the day they grow super quick and fill out pretty fast. I leave my plants outdoor during budding and have pulled off some pretty good buds using the fox farm line up. I recently changed over to organics "Earth Juice" and seeing how things go. Always trying to improve! Well....I'll be posting some pics soon and looking forward to meeting some of you. Aloha.....