Aloe Vera?


Well-Known Member
Anybody have some info on aloe vera either watering into soil or foliar application? I see a couple companies like BioBizz that have a product. I was told awhile ago that aloe has salicylic acid that could help deter pest and promote trichomes. Is this true or just anecdotal? A vitamin shop sells a brand Lily of the Dessert that comes in a juice or gel.
Anybody have some info on aloe vera either watering into soil or foliar application? I see a couple companies like BioBizz that have a product. I was told awhile ago that aloe has salicylic acid that could help deter pest and promote trichomes. Is this true or just anecdotal? A vitamin shop sells a brand Lily of the Dessert that comes in a juice or gel.

Lily of the Desert is good stuff. I get it at WalMart for ~$6.50/gallon, so don't pay inflated prices at the vitamin shop.

Yes, everything you mentioned is pretty much correct and a quick search of the organics section for *aloe* should yeild tons of info. Amazing stuff!
Anybody have some info on aloe vera either watering into soil or foliar application? I see a couple companies like BioBizz that have a product. I was told awhile ago that aloe has salicylic acid that could help deter pest and promote trichomes. Is this true or just anecdotal? A vitamin shop sells a brand Lily of the Dessert that comes in a juice or gel.

aloe has a s*%! ton of enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and is like a wetting agent with water. Cannabis LOVES aloe. I have a giant pot of aloe plants going, and it's always there when i need it! If you do some searching on here you'll find all kinds of applications from foliars to drenches to cloning. foliar and drench usually 2 TBSP per gallon of water.
Just watched a video about Aloe cloning, amazing stuff. Bring it into your garden and into your life. Anyone have any custom soil mixes their using with aloe? Mine seem to like worm casting top dressings. Havent played with soil mixes much.
Can anyone with knowledge on how Aloe Vera works as a soil amendment, provide links or info? I was told by another grower it works well as a drench for calcium deficiency. I’m trying to find sources of information, but I haven’t came across much. It’s good to know cannabis plants like the stuff, I’m just trying to figure out exactly why. Any help is appreciated, but it’d be nice to have it broken down thoroughly.