almost time to harvest

question is, when would i put these plants into a 24 hr dark period before or after i flush? forced to cut them down like 3 weeks early( fuc'n pissed) and trying to get wut ever i can . thanks 4 the help againbongsmilie and fuc the d.o.c , seems to b my home away frm home.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Dark period does work.
I dont feel like explained but its simply a survival instinct for a plant.
Fuck it heres the reason.

Normally a female plant produces THC to catch the pollen. If it doesn't get pollinated it'll use the energy to keep producing.
NORMALLY, in a plants life naturally it gets pollinated and the 24th dark is saying pretty much death is near so it'll try to produce the
seeds from being pollinated as fast as possible to keep the cycle going. A simple survival mechanism triggered.

Anyways I doubt it does any difference in the smoke for letting it sit an extra day to produce after its already been growing
for like 2-3months. Its a small factor & you most like wont notice a thing.

As for flushing.. If your using organic then it doesn't matter.. If you have chemicals then flush..
If you have auto release in the soil then you might aswell not even flush cause it'll release more.
Anymore ?'s


I never said many growers' darkness practice doesn't work. It's just that if I had to harvest three weeks early, I would lean towards bud production/yield and give them heavy light; this would be my approach.