Almost ready to harvest pics!

hello everyone! Me and my friend are almost about to harvest the plant. it has been indoor in a cab with appox. 7500 lumens. 9th week of flowering i think. Bag seed .

these are the pictures please comment or ask questions if you would like.




I would think another week or more.
Seems like there is a little to much white in the hair. But I am a beginner so I could be wrong :?:

May want to get a loop 30x to look at the trichs. You will want to find amber in the heads.
Oh that reminds me got a question. I will ask it in a new thread. No


Sorry didn't notice that much red in the hairs but could be just me and the pics. Let me no how it works.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
could have gone longer. i stopped judging by the hairs they will lie sometimes. the best way to tell is by getting a magnifier and looking at the tric's when they r mostly milky white with bout 20% amber muaaa them babys r ripe


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude you want all the pistils red and receeding back into the bud,the top wouldve doubled density,look at the thread in harvesting forum the sticky note and then zeus take on harvesting in the same forum good info ,do what works for u


Active Member
looks good but like these guys said, you def wanna let it go, 9 times outta 10 ud rather have it go a week to long than a week too short if for nothing else but the weight...some dont like the couchlock but i dont get the feeling that had anything to do with this chop.....patience is a virtue...i dont have it, im just sayin!! lol