ALMOST READY TO FLUSH---Need some Q's answered PLEASE

i am two days away from starting week 7. I have gotten mixed advice from friends, which is why I'm turning to the rollitup community for answers:

Should I flush for final two weeks or just final week ?
I am using soil with advanced sensi bloom, bud candy, carbo load, and purple maxx. When I flush do i ONLY use my flushing agent and water? Or can I continue to just go with water and the bud candy / carbo load, such that I can pack as much sugary weight on all the way till I hack them down? Also the puprle maxx (which has worked well according to my experiment i conducted vis a vis on 4 different plants) suggests on the label to use it until the end... I want to take advantage of all my expensive ass nutrients , however, I do not want to have a chemically tasting smoke ... PLEASE ADVISE, THANKS IN ADVANCE!