All of you guys talking about being high has inspired me...


Active Member get high myself.

I'm so excited for this summer.
It's literally going to be the best of my life.
So many more experiences to go through, it's going to be fucking life changing.

Thank god I've got the ganj to survive. haha.

What's going to change your life this summer??


Well-Known Member
This summer is probably the first time when I've been high on a consistant basis. Just about every day I smoke out. It really makes me think about interesting things and inspires me to do other things that I never would have. The beginning of the summer (early May) sucked because it was almost impossible to find a job. But I finally got one this week, so no mroe money problems. Now I can just focus on myself and the ones I care about.

Here's to summer.


Active Member
It really makes me think about interesting things and inspires me to do other things that I never would have. The beginning of the summer (early May) sucked because it was almost impossible to find a job. But I finally got one this week, so no mroe money problems. Now I can just focus on myself and the ones I care about.

Here's to summer.
Hella yeahhhh. Good luck with your job!

I'm wayyy excited about getting a job this summer too.
It's going to be my first full time job, so hopefully I'll be able to use my extra cash to replace the cash I'm having to use for lights. =D

lsdfjkals;dfjasfdj My plans are, on my offtime, get stoned and go to the beach/camping, that's what I'm most looking forward too.


Well-Known Member
Dude this will be the first summer where i actually live free

I have been doing nothing but saveing money and makeing plans all year
Were takeing a road trip to NYC for a few weeks to chill with my cousin
then were coming back here to stay at the beach for the rest of the summer
and the plan is
not to be sober for more then one day for the whole summer