All Of My Acrylics Broke Today.


Well-Known Member
Fuck so you know how i posted that I had my nails done in someone's garage? well, i was unloading the dish washer and bam, off pops my middle nail... hurts like FUCK. and then i noticed all of my nails are loose, so I gently take them off.. this is bullshit!!!! Ive barely had them for like a fucking week. but on the upside, I can text better now, type better now, actually itch my head... but still, im pissed cause its 20 bucks down the drain. fuck it, im not getting my nails done again for awhile.. too much hassle.

sorry for the rant


Well-Known Member
nah its just a casual itch, like when my bun is too tight. but acrylics hurt the scalp.

actually i fibbed a bit. I have a skin condition that causes a very itchy scalp... its either I sit and itch it a bit, or whip out a hair brush and mercilessly brush my hair until the itch goes away. I dont do it in front of people however, and never in public


Moderatrix of Journals
honey, if they were too thick to scratch yourself with, they were doing it wrong. (i know what you mean though.)

i haven't gotten my nails done in years, but when i used to, i paid the extra $$ for uv gel.... superior to acrylics in every way.


Moderatrix of Journals

if they were too thin to scratch yourself they're doin it wrong too ;). hence, probably the breakage in a week. acrylic or gel, you should be good to go for like 3.


Well-Known Member
i know right?? ive been getting my nails done since I was 14, I should know better


Moderatrix of Journals
where i live, good luck finding a nail place not run by asians.

and yes. i would probably think so even if i wasn't one. ditto eyelash extensions.


Well-Known Member
ah Im in ca, there are asian nail ladies everywhere. I have my favorites, its either Karen or Jill. Karen does them fast, a very lil bit messy, but did the best designs... too bad she went to her second shop on the other side of town. Jill does them perfectly everytime, just not so fast or as many designs