All good ? or Def?request for suggestions?


New Member
Hello my plants are in 2 weeks of flower those cheese feminized from Dinafem 250 HPS,11 litres pot,soil canna terra pro.Is there everything ok with them pleas for opinion cuz i think something starts happening ,purple stems , some yellowing tips on new grow and then brown tips?Its Deficienc?
My waterings are food,water,food 1/3 strength HESI BLoom i do it good or wrong ?Here are pic and sorry for my english :)Obraz 063.jpgObraz 067.jpgObraz 064.jpg



Well-Known Member
All can see is a general lightness and one yellowing leaf. I'd perhaps suggest upping the feeding. 1/3 seems a little low.

Your comment about brown tips concerns me since that can sometimes indicate a nutrient burn. But I just don't see any and I can't imagine a burn at those nute levels. But watch the tips anyway. A burn will reveal itself first with tissue death at the tips. A close shot of the brown tips could help.

So that my advice. Up the nutes. Good luck,

sativa indica pits

Active Member
AS jd said they look a bit lime green at the tops, but they look great imo!! nice. Once you start to flower them a few leaves may drop off the bottom and this has alot to do with the strain. Some strains loose almost every fan except the top few fans. some strains wont lose a single leaf and will still have the first set of real leaves at harvest time, Some strains also have a natural light green color, especially on the growing tops.. I have a purple wreck going right now, the newest/freshest leaves on the top's are almost yellow....lemon yellow!!.... I actually thought it was the start of a deff. after the leaves form and grow to full size, they are sooo dark, with a purple/blue hue or tint to them.... no deff. there at all!!

you could give a bit higher dose, fewer times per week. I like to give a heavy feeding once per week, and give a light dose in between.. Heavy dose, water, water, light dose, water water, heavy dose. but all strains are different. If i give a heavy feeding, and stays moist for two days, I still give water, water between the next fert. ( you cant always use a time line when it comes to feeding when your plants are different ages, different sizes, or different strains.

But I wouldnt worry too much, your plants look good and healthy......and yess post a pic of tip burn

sativa indica pits

Active Member
Personally, I think your plants look really good!! 1 or 2 yellow leaves on a plant with a nice canopy isnt unheard of. The fans have deep green color to them and only the fresh, brand new tips seem light colored. I agree with JD as maybe a 1/2 strength dose would get the tops a bit darker. But I also would say be careful feeding more when the fans are perfect, color/shape ect. like yours.

I think a higher dose of fert every other watering may be a bit too much for your plants if the fans are already that dark and perfect looking from a 1/3 dose. But one dose of 1/2 strength may not burn your plants, but every other watering may cause a build up and lead to... burn. The only bit of yellow I see is in the middle pic, not sure if it's the same plant or not. But the first and third pics look 100% healthy to me for a plant 2 weeks into flowering. I havent grown the cheese so im not sure if the lime green color on fresh new growth is the same growth tendency as with 5-6 of my strains. I have really light, light green almost yellow leaves that are on the very top of the buds, but as they get older..1 week they will darken up and look awesome. IMO, the newest growth during the first few weeks of flowering is a bit lighter than the almost black fan leaves that are 2-3-4 weeks old, and will darken up as the mature.

With my plants, If my fans are that color I keep the nutes the same. Where they are making a transition from veg to flowering, they will look different, as they start using different levels of nutes.

We really need to see the yellow brown tips you speak of.

I would suggest give one dose of 1/2 strength nutes and see what happens. If the tops lose their lime color, and get the green color back, good. I guess Im saying I would not up the nute program for good if those were my plants, unless there is yellowing/dying of 4 or more lower leaves, or the whole plant in general has become more light colored, If the leaves do not have perfect structure, you may need to up the nutes for the rest of the grow.

otherwise I would try one heavy dose( 1/2) and compare in 2-3 days. Good luck man, and like I said those are nice looking plants, hope they have some fatties for ya!!


New Member
Hello im sorry to reply so late but i was busy lol.I did wat you advice ,i give them 1/2 strenght of nutes BLOOM with PK 13 for flowering, E.C 0.7, I measured the run off water PH was 6.8 ,EC 1.0 -1.1 but not know these measures are appropriate. Brown tips getting worst and i got some yellow spots on bottom leaves.Flowering going slow thats my feel but waiting for your answer what to do with next watering ,only water or keep up with nutes?I make more photo maybe thats helps.Thank you very much for answer bro.Im begginer grower need more experince so any help and suggestions are welcome :)

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Active Member
I don't know much, and am also a beginner, but usually people say it's nute-burn, when it looks like that...May be your soil was already nuted? Possibly a flushing would help, but don't listen to me until someone else aproves :P


New Member
hello all , my plants looking worst every day ,some brown spots on my leaves some of them died and dropped off very easly.Mayby its calcium deficiency?Or i just over nute them?Shoud i Flushed them with pure water ?My soil is Canna Terra Pro E.C of this soil was 1.1 at the beginning.Last watering was with nutes 1/4 strength ,E.C 0.3 and runn off water was 0.7. Please help in the diagnosis heres are pic.Thank you.

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so many members and no help .You can't tell me what im doing wrong ?


Well-Known Member
If your runoff EC is over twice what you put in...that means there's lots of nutrient salts hanging around in the soil that were picked up by the solution as it passed through your soil. Apparently underfeeding wasn't the problem. Sorry man, I gave you bad advice's sometimes hard to tell the difference just by looking at the plant.

Flush the pots and just give water for awhile. Keep checking runoff till it comes out below what went in. Wait awhile to let plants recover and start nutes again slowly,

PS CJmade...newbie or were correct