

Well-Known Member
Apparently mixing alcohol (ethyl-alcohol) with marijuana (THC) can cause a similar effect to having a low dose of some really good acid, is this true?
If you have any experience with either, please, share you're thoughts on the matter. bongsmilie
Only if poorly experienced with all three substances.

very first time i smoked and drank a bunch of liquor, i was feeling pretty trippy, but now its just like being stoned and drunk, they dont even feel to interfere with each other.

i wouldn't really compare it to acid, at all though.
Yeah, I also like comparing a paper clip to the empire state building. Same Shit. Different receptors. Green dragon, you mean?
Only if poorly experienced with all three substances.

very first time i smoked and drank a bunch of liquor, i was feeling pretty trippy, but now its just like being stoned and drunk, they dont even feel to interfere with each other.

i wouldn't really compare it to acid, at all though.

Yeah, personally I've never really combined the two (I don't drink) but I love my acid, so I just thought it might be a cheaper way to get relative effects to acid.
Yeah, personally I've never really combined the two (I don't drink) but I love my acid, so I just thought it might be a cheaper way to get relative effects to acid.

i would much rather just get my hands on some fluff or needlepoint.. but hey thats just me..
I stopped drinking alcohol when I discovered drugs !!
That was in grade 10 I think !

I do not even understand how ONE might compare a THC buzz to a psychedelic experience ... at all .... just two different animals ...

I would suspect that ... banging your head ON/AT a concrete wall ... would produce a closer reaction to a hallucination ... then the combination discussed.

Hell NO !

I stopped drinking alcohol when I discovered drugs !!
That was in grade 10 I think !

I do not even understand how ONE might compare a THC buzz to a psychedelic experience ... at all .... just two different animals ...

I would suspect that ... banging your head ON/AT a concrete wall ... would produce a closer reaction to a hallucination ... then the combination discussed.

Hell NO !


I don't drink solvents to get high either.
i started drinkin at like 17 and got tired of it like 2 years ago. and in drinkin for those 5 years never once did it come close to the beauty of tripping. i may have a drink every once in awhile but gettin drunk to me is just obselete.
Weed and Alcohol is a recipe for disaster. If losing your memory and getting the spins and puking all night is an acid trip than you are absolutely right. However after drinking, then smoking, then getting sick so many times as I have, it rarely happens like that anymore. So I can get drunk then smoke a joint and be drunk and high. Without puking. Its pretty nice. But nothin like acid
Bandit .... U remind me of Mikey !

