Ak48 seedling problems


I have one ak48 seedling under a 400w mh at 50% and its growing very well, but its very stringy. How should i fix this. It is somewhat hot in the cabinet at around 77-86 and i have given it no nutes. Two fans blowing it whenever my lights are on 18/6. Please help i want a strong plant!


Its still standing i think ur good, its just a baby give it a couple weeks, if your really worried about it post it up with bamboo sticks and a twist tie till the stem gets bigger. I wouldnt worry just yet


Well-Known Member
Lower the light ,height wise or crank up the intensity,, use the back of your hand to judge comfortable warmth,, some guys veg in the mid 90s so dont worry about a litle heat if your arround (Once a day or 2) to check if it gets thirsty