AK Bean Brains

Hit me up if you want any of these or something from VSBs Vol 1/2. All of these packs listed are full, unopened packs of 6 or 12 plus. All regular seeds. Shipping is $10 in the US with tracking. I will take pics of anything you want to buy just let me know. Some might have multiple packs as well. You can package deal any packs from any list I have.

Chocolate Chunk x Heavy Duty Fruity
Blueberry Indica
Romulan x CGPR
GMO x Blueberry
PHK x Durban Poison
TK TK NL5 Haze x Lime
PNL x Nevil's Haze
Gasolime x MTF
TK x G13 F3
SSH x TK NL5 Haze
Fast Vintage Blueberry
Americanna bx
SoRom x NL1
TK x TK NL5 Haze F2
Blue Dream x TK NL5
Beatrix Choice (SSSC)
Romulan bx
MTF bx3
Black Domina bx
Hawaiian Cat Piss V3
PHK x SSSC Durban
Gooey Mom x NL1
TK NL5 Haze x NL5
Blk Dom NWHP x Super Skunk
Consumption x 89NL
SoHum Blk Dom x Beatrix Choice
Island Sweet Skunk NL1 x MTF
Sensi Star x Durban
GG4 x Blk Dom NWHP NL1
Blueberry Muffin x Vintage Blueberry
Moonshine Haze x NL5
Forbidden Fruit x Big Skunk
Kali Mist x A1
Sensi Star x Road Kill Skunk
Blue Raspberry
Matty Cakes
Williams Wonder x Vintage Blueberry
Billy Goat Vietnam Blk
A1 Testerosa x Deathstarosa
Sweet Hawaiian Cat Piss
907 Blue Genes
3 Way NL1 F3
Black Lavender x Beatrix Choice
Boel Oaxacan x Dwarf Oaxacan
Rip Snort
Kink Goose Bay Blueberry x Super Skunk
Beatrix Choice x ACC Road Kill Skunk
Heavy Duty Fruity x 907 Blue Genes
Kali Mist F4
Chocolate Thai
TK NL5 Haze F3 (Haze dom)
TK NL5 Haze F3 (TK dom)
TK NL5 Haze (NL dom)
Romulan x Beatrix Choice
Consumption x Choc Thai
Red Grape Lebanese
Beatrix Choice x GD Old School Skunk
CGPR x GD Old School Skunk
Black Domina bx
GST x Old School Skunk