ak-47 auto need help


Active Member
Hi im at day 37 on my ak47 auto grow & there no flowering yet, one has had 5 white hairs this past few days but no change at all since is there anything i could be doing wrong or should i just have patience?


Well-Known Member
uhhhmm.. well more info would be helpful.

have you changed lights over to 12/12??? if so, how long have they been under the 12/12 lighting??

People, it takes a good while for a plant to look like this:


That's a 7week old bud.. so yeah.. you just have to be patient bro.

I'm guessing its your first grow?


Well-Known Member
Hi im at day 37 on my ak47 auto grow & there no flowering yet, one has had 5 white hairs this past few days but no change at all since is there anything i could be doing wrong or should i just have patience?
Secondly... if your seeing white pistils (hairs..) then your plant IS flowering. Sounds like its in the first stages of flowering though. Be patient man... your plant will produce more calyx's.. and before you know it, those calyx's will be thick and dense.. forming nice solid nugs. Just be patient!!

peace.. and good luck.


Well-Known Member
What is your nutrient regimen? What type and spectrum is your lighting? How tall and bushy are they? What is the breeder?

A lot more info would be great it helps us help you. One thing I have learned is the spectrum plays a huge role in the flowering process with auto's.


Well-Known Member
What is your nutrient regimine? What type and spectrum is your lighting? How tall and bushy are they? What is the breeder?

A lot more info would be great it helps us help you. One thing I have learned is the spectrum plays a huge role in the flowering process.
agreed if you are using CFL - you should switch over from blue (6400k) to red (2700k)


Active Member
using 400watt hps there in 20/4 light wise, they get bio bizz bloom & topmax every watering, they look really healthy bushy plants, was trying to follow a guy on this that did an ak47 grow tried contacting him for info but no reply,
thanks for quick replys everyone


Active Member
and his had shit load a hairs from everywhere at this stage so think that is why im freaking out we aint doing it right!


Well-Known Member
using 400watt hps there in 20/4 light wise, they get bio bizz bloom & topmax every watering, they look really healthy bushy plants, was trying to follow a guy on this that did an ak47 grow tried contacting him for info but no reply,
thanks for quick replys everyone
Not sure then maybe it is just a few days away from flowering like crazy? I'll keep an eye on this thread tho good luck.


Active Member
ive done auto ak47..r the pure auto ak..or r they auto ak47xlowryder 2?mine took 75 days to finish..i had them under 18/6..and they did great..i had the same lighting..be patient!


Active Member
It sounds like she is not an auto. Iv just harvested 2 of these and i had flowers by the 3rd week.
There is alot of people growing what they beleive to be autos which arnt because of a genetic mix up with the breeders.
I would try switching to 12/12 on the lighting and see what happens. Within a week or 2 if she starts budding nicely you know its not an auto and you will have a good 8-10 weeks of flowering ahead.


Active Member
It sounds like she is not an auto. Iv just harvested 2 of these and i had flowers by the 3rd week.
There is alot of people growing what they beleive to be autos which arnt because of a genetic mix up with the breeders.
I would try switching to 12/12 on the lighting and see what happens. Within a week or 2 if she starts budding nicely you know its not an auto and you will have a good 8-10 weeks of flowering ahead.
was just thinking that earlier im going to start 12/12 now tonight to feck heads wrecked bought 5 of them seeds in a head shop autoflowering on pack & all!!! im annoyed now :( they are so bloody healthy to! i was sure i was doing something wrong, i've bought more online recently hopefully there are "auto's"!!!!
thanks for your advice