Won't a swamp cooler increase the humidiy a lot?I made a hole in my garage wall that goes under my stair "a small room"yes but its hot a hell in there. I live in vegas usa ooowww its hot though.I wanna put a portable swamp cooler by the whole 35"L24W and a outake fan in a hole i wanna make.ANY IDeas
Won't a swamp cooler increase the humidiy a lot?
no dice on the swamp cooler.
humidity will go thru the roof.
maybe if you vent the room, THEN add a swamp cooler you might be aight.
FDD just showed me pics of his huge plants, outdoors so Im not sure why he would need oneof course a swamp cooler will raise humidity but in vegas maybe your alright, dry as fuck there isn't it? I know FDD uses them to some extent maybe ask him? I don't know how he uses them however and it may just be to cool or help cool his house.