Air in - Air out


Hey guys quick thoughts on air in - air out.

Have got my temperatures fairly dialed in and depending on outside temperatures i have noted certain times of the year and what sort of settings I need my A/C and outlet fans set to.

my question is mainly to larger space growers (12x12 and larger) (smaller can chime in too always happy for other opinions) is how well do you maintain your air in to air out ratios?

I have got mine to scrubbing dirty air (through carbon) around 1.5 minutes but am dealing with some issues here and there that I'm unsure that could be air related
My fan runs 24hrs a day spring to late autumn changing between slow/fast day to night.

A couple of benefits is a stable environment, it's easier to keep temps and humidity down that's a real bonus in summer less so when it's colder.
My fan runs 24hrs a day spring to late autumn changing between slow/fast day to night.

A couple of benefits is a stable environment, it's easier to keep temps and humidity down that's a real bonus in summer less so when it's colder.
24 hrs on, try to change all the air in the tent every 2 to 3 minutes

yeah mine run 24/7. A/c shuts off overnight and one of my larger carbon fans. Second carbon fan runs on controller so it's not pulling too much.

Does anyone believe that too much air out would cause a negative effect?