Air Direction of Case Fan Old LED


Active Member
Got two of these old 130w blurple LEDs in a 2x2. $90 for the pair, cheapest I could find on eBay at the time. Probably upgrade to a MarsHydro TS1000 at some point but will work with these for now.

They each came with two 80mm x 20mm 2 wire sleeve bearing case fans and like many of the reviews said, one of the fans started makes terrible noises. It lasted one whole grow. I removed the one bad fan, but thinking about replacing all four with dual bearing fans.

The fans came from the factory sucking air in from the top. I guess the air gets blown down onto a plate used as a heat sink, then the air gets deflected, and passes by the drivers as it exhausts out the sides of the case.

What’s the best design for the fans with this case? I ordered 2 sets of AC infinity S5 USB multi fans. Two fans per set with a 3 speed controller. I realize I will have to power them separately as I’m assuming the factory unmarked fans are 12V or 24V.

I could put the fans on top of the case (outside the actual case) pulling air out. I could put the fans in the case exhausting out the top (same location inside the case but blowing opposite direction). I could do an intake and an exhaust. Or is the factory design best? China probably did it right, but it’s not obvious to me.

This should probably be posted asked in a computer tower design forum, but I’m sure there are some people with experience here.


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You'll want to blow air at the heatsink. Pulling from the case, the fans will face negative pressure (less efficient) and heat will only be removed via convection. Blowing at the heatsink, the heat will be removed by conduction.

You dontbsuck on your pie to cool it down, you blow on it
You dontbsuck on your pie to cool it down, you blow on it

Tell that to my girl. Lol

But kidding aside, thanks for the reply. Makes sense. Disassembled and Cleaned all four fans and they are quieter than they were when I first turned them on.

Still excited for those AC infinity USB S5 multi-fans. I’ve got a cloud line S4 but tent was getting to warm when I had a 6” carbon filter on it. So I got a cloud line S6 with 6” filter in the flower tent and will use the 4” filter in the veg tent with no filter. Anyway I love the AC Infinity products. What can I say...
I’m a fan.
Tell that to my girl. Lol

But kidding aside, thanks for the reply. Makes sense. Disassembled and Cleaned all four fans and they are quieter than they were when I first turned them on.

Still excited for those AC infinity USB S5 multi-fans. I’ve got a cloud line S4 but tent was getting to warm when I had a 6” carbon filter on it. So I got a cloud line S6 with 6” filter in the flower tent and will use the 4” filter in the veg tent with no filter. Anyway I love the AC Infinity products. What can I say...
I’m a fan.
Computer cooling guy here. At least enough for an 1100 CC crotch rocket in a small space. LOL. Your faans should blow inward. I would sugggest to upgrading to Noctura high static fans in the voltage and control type. Most likely dc. Just need the voltage. Sizes are standard in MM. I suggest pulling the heat sinks and removing any thermal tape or thermal paste from them and the mating surfaces. Iso works well. Acetone if needed. Careful of PCB board. Eats them. If direct contact use Arctic fox thermal paste. If a gap any amazon thermal tape of proper thickness will perform as well as 3M scam priced.066.jpg
Speaking of the connector type. I had to find an image on google to find out it is JST-SM??? I ordered a few JST-SM male and female pigtails so I should be able to turn any 12V two wire fan into a plug and play replacement.

I really appreciate the input. I’ll have to look into Noctura high static fans.


I think I have the same light. I replaced the leds with these little citizen cobs and disconnected the fans. Much brighter and quiet.