Air cooled reflector questions


I am upgrading my medical marijuana grow and have some questions on my new design.

I am planning on having 3 rows with each row having 9 1000w XXXL air cooled reflectors. each row will be 4ft wide and 36ft long. There will be a space of 3ft between each row so that the plants are each to access. I live in the north west USA so during the summers it can get up to 100 and the winters get down below zero at times. I am planning on having the intake for my lights to be pulling air from the crawl space and exhausting it outside or back into the house during the winter to help with heating. Im sure that pulling air from the crawl space (which is 4ft tall with 1360 square feet) I will need to have an intake fan for the crawl space/basement to help create a positive pressure. I will also be pulling air across the lights compared to pushing it since it is more efficient.

My Questions:
How many reflectors can I hook up in a row? I can't imagine I could hook up all 9 in a row with each flowing into each other cause after the 2nd or 3rd light wouldn't the air be so hot it wouldn't be cooling the lights?

What size fan will I need to use to cool the lights? I've read that I should have around 250-350cfm per light but is that right?

I know that the 6" hoods allow for more light to be reflected to the plants but the 8" would give me better air flow. so which should i eventually decide on?

i'm sure ill come up with more questions regarding this.... more to come :)