Ahh!!! D:!


I got a plant growing, my first plant! and well ive been lookin' at pictures and videos of plants that their stems are green and thick when mine are purple/red and thin. also noticed that mine are growing wayyy slower. its 3 weeks old and looks like if its 5 days old. also the top of the leaves are kind of have burnt spots or drying, and the tips are yellow and are drying out and cracking. i do NOT use nutes or any kind of formula that helps plants grow, its just soil, light and water. my guess is that im not givin' it enough water or TOO MUCH water. any advice would help.



Well-Known Member
How often do you water and any clue of soil pH? seedling stems often have a purple tint but eventually this layer splits and sheds and then the stem is green. also loose the foil dude it does more harm than good foil holds heat and causes hot spots.


i water whenever the top of the soil looks dried out completely which is about every 2-3 days. and i water about 4 oz of water. and no i don't know the ph :/ the soil is called Hyponex Potting Soil. and as for the stem color, it did grow and split but it was green at one point but now it is turning purple also. :/ and ok the foil is gone. x] ty for tip


Well-Known Member
do you have a fan blowing on them? those lights are way too far away and should be sideways over the plant, the side of the cfl is where most of the light is put out, your wasting almost all of it right now, you need to test your ph and monitor it. that soil your trying to use sucks, trust me, even some shitty miracle grow organic is better than that crap.


Well-Known Member
its really easy to tell when it needs water, next time you water give it a good watering, now after any excess water is drained off lift up the pot, feel how heavy it is? compare that to how heavy it is with a similar sized container filled with dry soil of the same amount, then when the pot feels pretty close to that point from now on water. Its simple really once you get used to how heavy it is when it needs water and when it doesnt, i can tell instantly upon lifting the container if and approx how long till i need to water.


Well-Known Member
go to walmart and get an emergemcy blanket and tape that to your walls and above your lights or get some flat dull white paint and paint it that. reflection is very helpful, he's right about the tin foil though.


Well-Known Member
hes right about the Hyponex I've used it but it was to stretch out the other soil I bought. Its mostly sand and has a lot of sticks.


thanks for all the info =D ive done most of that already, i got better soil cost me $7 usd for 2 lbs. lol and as for grow box, i put some of that car windshield reflectors. and for bulb placement, i put 1 on one corner and the other, on the other corner. and as for blowing fan: i have a living room fan straight into it from the opening, so it keeps it cool, but not too cold.


Well-Known Member
sounds good, those car windshield reflectors work well I hear. But what kind of soil did you buy? I hope it doesn't have any slow release nutrients in it. Oh and if you can in any way position those bulbs about 2-3'' from the top of your plants do it man those cfls are not going to burn your plant unless its in direct contact with it.


the soil is called Onsetrax Starting Potting Soil and well the gardener i got it from said that its a new product on the market and thats is perfect for growing cannabis, awesome how she expected i was growing that off the bat,it was an old lady, she was atleast 60 lol and her market almost never gets business, im surprised i didnt see any cannabis growing in her shop, she knew so much. lol and yeah i moved the plant closer, i put some books under the pot so it can get closer,