After drying !?!?!


Well-Known Member
:joint::hump:Just cut down 2 plants that were about 50-60% red hairs and got about 109 grams wet. This is my first harvest and i know the weight will reduce quite a bit , my question for all you veteran growers is how much weight do you loose, the buds seem to be quite fluffy now , also they dont smell that great will the smell improve as they dry ?:peace:


Well-Known Member
After the bud are dry the will smell like crap. mostly like hay and weed. you now have to cure your buds. put them in a sealed containers for two weeks. Open the jars every day for ten min.. every time you open the jars it start to smell better. it will also tast and smoke better


Well-Known Member
Oh ok so thats the curing process right? They smell good when I rub the leaves and smell my fingers they smell like oranges , will they smell like that after curing ?


Well-Known Member
You will lose 75% of the weight during the curing process. If this is you first harvest you will lose the other 25% by smoking it during the curing process. You did good, just a little under 1/2 oz /plant first harvest is not bad. VV