Afghan Kush Special DWC 250 mh hps

ive hot a 250w ballast. use mh for veg, super hps for flower. one 5-gallon dwc bubble bucket. growed some garbage blueberry for my first grow and got 3 o from the 1 plant. this is my second grow. i ordered 2 violator kush barneys farm and 2 afghan kush special. im planning on growing the afghan kush special first. i ordered them from attitude pick and mix. i use advanced nutrients micro and bloom lucas formula for the blackberry but want advice for a better and stronger nutrient formula if any1 could help with that.

like i said tho my blackberry from nirvana didnt turn out as dense as i wanted and i think its because i didnt let it flower enuff (8 and a half weeks) and the 250w wasnt enough for this sativa-dominant strain. its crystally and gets you a nice buzz but its not strong enough for me. thats y im going with the pure indica kushs this time.

im attatching a pic of the blackberry in my closet grow too


as soon as i get the seeds ill start germin em and keep this posted....:joint:
i cleaned out the grow closet...


and heres the harvest short only a couple jars...


heres a pic of my first grow blackberry dried but not yet cured...


now..... to wait for the seeds....
anyone have any input on the afghan or the violator?
im already super anxious!!!!
(puff) ... not anymore ...
the last plant i grew (also my first) didnt turn out as well as i thought it could have...
im going to try to fix/change a few things this time around... first off i got a dominant indica strain (afghan kush/violator kush) opposed to the sativa dominant (sativa seedbank blackberry). i dont have the patients and have limited lighting (sativas generally need higher wattage lighting and more time to flower)... plus i love that heavier stone...
also. im going to start my lst much earlier. the way the plant formed even tho i used lst wasnt as even as i think i could have achieved if i had lst'd much earlier... i waited until it was 12 inches... from what iv read im waiting for 3-5 leaf sets and following a guide...
i also got light height adjusters which will make it easier for me to keep the light at optomum closeness... i had a hard time with chains adjusting my lights the first time around and i have easy-roller things this time... because i only have 250w im allowing it to get as close at the 8 inches. last time i would be anywhere between a foot and 2 feet away from the plant....
i used the lucas formula last time as well(only using micro and bloom, no grow) for advanced nutrients gmb series.... this time im following the 1:1:1 ratio and using the calculator on the site to get the most out of this grow....
i also read that holing back from switching the mh to hps until 2 weeks into the 12/12 light schedule greatly reduces stretching in the plant which i will do....
there were a lot of little popcorn buds and garbage lower branches so i am also going to be lollipopping....

please help me out if u see anything i could be doing to increase the success of my harvest would b greatly appreciated... id love to hear any opinion...
seeds taking longer than the first time... probly weather related...
but that hasn't stopped me from continuing to invest in this grow!
i bought a 6" inline fan and carbon filter to help keep the cool down and battle the kush smell...
also with the inline i can now get a 400w ballast which im planning on getting and using for flowering
got the seeds!!!!
took 2 weeks from attitude....
started germing 1 afghan kush special with paper towel method at 12:00
after 35 hrs. of germ there was about a quarter inch root... i had the rockwool soaking and put the root in the rockwool facing down... just keeping the r.o. water temp and humidity just right....

here is a pic of the germed seed in the rockwool under the cfl light...


i estimate in a few days i should have a sprout and about 2 weeks until i have this girl in the full veg state...

:sleep: goodnight....
ill update again with a sprout photo... :leaf:
So its been exactly 105 hours (about 4 and a half days) since i got the seeds and started the paper towel germination...

I had accidentally dropped the rockwool with the bean in it :-( but it doesnt seem to have done any damage because the process is on schedule...

I gently helped manipulate the seed and rockwool about 24 hours before the pics im posting... i did it just to help an area that seemed like it was being stressed...

here she is... 4 days old...


now i just need to wait until i see a root poke out of the rockwool and ill put her in the hydroton... ill fill up my bucket with r.o. water... turn on the power... and keep on waiting until the roots poke through the netty pot and into the water...


Well-Known Member
good luck mate.
your previous grow looks great. 3 oz from 1 plant is a good result i think.
how much time did you veg her ?
thanks. honestly i was hoping for about 5... my buddy had done a similar set up and got 4...
i only vegged her for 3 and a half weeks


Well-Known Member
thats great result for 250.
i am using the same setup for the lights, 250W mh for veg, HPS for flower, i hope ill get 3-4 oz from my plants.
anyhow, good luck, i am subscribed to this thread and following.
its day 6 since the germ and i think shes lookin very healthy but a little small from what ive seen and read so i removed that glass i had protecting the germination and keeping in the moisture...
i also went from 1 60w cfl to having 3 60w cfls on her...
hopefully this helps...

The root has popped through the rockwool...


so i put it in the hydroton filled bucket lid...


and i put the lid on the system...


thats a 250w hortilux bulb hanging 2 feet over it with the inline fan attached through ducting to the activated carbon filter...
i filled the bucket with pure r.o. water right up to the bottom of the hanging net-pot and turned on the bubbling stones....

now i will check in about a week to see if there are roots growing through the hydroton into the water... and when they are... i will lower the water level 1 inch and add full nutrient water to the bucket...

i finished the new bubble-bucket!!!

and so now i have 2... which is nice in case (god forbid) there happens to be any leaks...

my little sprout was moving along nicely and since its just about a little over 2 weeks, ive decided to add half strength of my vegging nutes... i added 40 mL of each micro, grow and bloom... and 30 mL of the b vitamins....

so now its day 16 since i got this seed in the mail and germinated it... now that ive added some nutes im hoping she'll take off.... ill be checking out her pH and topping off the bucket probly every other day... and next sunday im going to change out the water with the full amount of nutrients and i will start the 4 week veg countdown!!!!
:-P :leaf:

i just switched out the 250w hortilux mh for a 400w GE mh...
i got the ballast off ebay for pretty cheep but she seems to be running fine...
i also switched from a 24hrs of light to 20/4...
it goes on at 5am and off at 1am...

i still have the half strength nute water bubbling under her and am still planning on waiting until sunday until i go full strength on the nutes...
stupid fucking ebay seller fucked me....
the 400w ballast reeks like burning electronics...
unplugged it and am back using the 250w hortilux mh...
really fucking mad...
so the roots are fully in the water of the bucket now... and she is a healthy young plant... so i have decided to up the nutes to full strength (70mL of each grow,micro,bloom and 40mL of the b-vitamins)... im planning on vegging her for 4 weeks before switching to flower... changing the water every 10 days...
ill update nxt week and hopefully start the lst...
i decided to veg today because i wanted a 90 degree bend on it and i didnt want the stalk to get to strong and not bend properly for a good lst...
i reinforced her with another string at the base first while bending it and later removed it for the bend i wanted and so the stalk wouldnt move to much in the rockwool/hydroton...
i also lowered the light to about 14 inches since im going to only be using the 250w bulb...
heres some pics...

just a reminder that this is all fictional...
the first week of full veg is threw! and 3 weeks to go.... well shes been growing wonderfully for being under only 250w... my plan is to wrap the main stalk around the back half of the bucket like a crescent moon for my lst.... i want to put close no stress on my plant at all after 3 weeks of flower... and only lollipop and lst very little in the first 3 weeks...
here she is...


i added white paper from paper plates to reduce the foil tape reflection cutting down on heat spots... and i also got a temp/humidor... i saw that the temp in my closet was about 92.... way higher than i ever thought... i got it down to the acceptable high of 85... however... im starting to think that the heat very well could have been what affected my blackberry plant.... anyways....
ill be changing the water on tuesday.... probobly going to give it a 12 hour flush of pure r.o. just because its easy when the buckets dont drink alot.... since i have to full up two 5 gallon jugs everytime i want to change the water... so i just use the one for pure r.o. and one for the nutes.....
hoping to get enough to last me all summer from this girl (at least 4 oz... maybe going for 6 or 7 if i upgrade to the 400w for flower)...
leave me some posts... i see this is getting a lot of views... id appreciate em...
yesterday i changed the water with pure r.o. water and this morning i switched it out with nute water 60mL of each g. m. b. and 30 mL of b-52 at 5.8pH (i thought i used more than i needed last time with such a small plant)...
the plant looks beautiful...
i hope that i am still able to wrap the stalk around the back... idk if 4 weeks of veg will be enough... i definately think im going to stretch it to a 30 day veg so its an even 3 sets of the 10 day water change... i decided today that im going to add fulvic acid in the form of advanced nutes gram enggy f-1 during flowering rather than buy a bloom booster bcuz mos bloom boosters have all the same ingredients in g. m. b.... anyways... ill just have to continue being patient...