Afghan Kush 7 weeks,big bud few days younger.

Hi all. On the 10th january i posted thread ^ Afghan kush small-any ideas??) will be the first pics there

I have a 7 week Afghan Kush, in the first post i did i said they were 6 weeks but only 5 weeks. The pots i have them in are big but the roots have started towards top also. I am guessing not enough water,as some leaves brown tipped. I am 4 days into flowering so i dont want to stress and repot.

I use 400 watt dual spectrum CFL,which to be honest I am happy with. Can i have some info on look of plants and what should be done with regards to roots etc. Pretty sure not neut burn as may give too little not too much

The first pic is the Afghan,2nd is Big bud.:lol:


how big are you big buds now and at what age I have some seeds but I havent started them yet. Just wondering what i can expect. Plants look good
Hi mate,The Big Bud is about 26 cm`s. I think is small,hopefully yours may grow better,but this is first time.Am going to have to repot them both as root bound,well not entirely think not watered enough so searching by going up,aswell. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Definitely check into purchasing a 400w HID next time. If you're going to use 400w of power, you might as well invest in something that can produce anywhere from 35000-55000 lumens (depending if you purchase a HPS or a MH). I'm sure that CFL packs quite a punch, but like I said if you already plan on using that much power, check out High pressure Sodiums or Metal Halides.