Afgan no. 1 under 400w hps


Active Member
I am growing 4 afgan no. 1 seeds, they will all be mothers (hopefully) for a bubbleponics system for the clones, the seeds were germinated on 05/06/2011, from germination untill 06/6/2011 they were grown under a 70w hps bulb in a closet, not the best bulb to start with but it worked for the time being, they are as of today grown under a 400w hps with reflector, i have a walgreens humidifier and a circulating fan, i also have an air duct running from the reflector outside of the grow closet into the room, for the time being the walls in the closet are green and yellow (dont ask) so i have taken white cardboard to help reflect the light, its dull but better than no yellow or green rays being reflected (or so i think?? anyone have any input on this??) now the soil they are grown in is roots organic mixed with jamacian bat guano and worm castings, they were growing since germination untill a few days ago in jiffy cups, the roots starting showing outside the cup so i transfered them into a white bucket with the mixed soil, i am training one plant to grow sideways, if anyone has any input on this please help, as i said earlier these are mother plants and will be cloned into a bubbleponics system, DWC system and hopefully more organic and outdoor clones, now i am fairly new to growing in large amounts, i have only grown a few plants in my life and i am just jumping into alot here, if anyone has any good advice for a noob grower please help, just comment on anything i am maybe doing wrong or anything that could help the yeild and potency of the crop,

things that will be changing in the grow closet in the next week:
1.Cardboard will be replaced by mylar
2.Digital thermomiter/hydrometer
3.change to 600w hps bulb ( the balast i have right now is ment for a 600w hps but the 400 is doing fine untill i get the money for the 600)
4.New fan for better air circulation

Things i need help with asap:?
1. How do i bring down the temp in the grow closet? i cant open a window and the fans i have are running all the time but the temp seems to stay at about 83-85 F, i would like to drop it to about 77, any tips on how to do this?

2. whats the best place to buy ladybugs? i already have a pest problem but its small and barely noticeable, i dont like chemicals even if its organic, its minimal and i think ladybugs would be best for it

3. Any tips on the feeding of the plants?

Anyway heres some pics its alot buts its thru the month since i put them in jiffy pots after germination

*******OH one minor note, i have germinated the seeds in Ormus, and i will also be feeding ormus to the plant thruout its life, if anyone has any input on this feel free to put an comment on here

Here are all the pics i have from 05/13/2011 like i said im not an experienced grower so dont expect the biggest best plants

