

Well-Known Member
Sweet nice set up I aint pictured mine waiting till it got something growin in it
perhaps could join my group Help & learn :D


Well-Known Member
Hi you have a nice setting :D
just wondering if you can help im still waiting for my AG i think its gonna take another week .. :s the problem is my seeds sprouted !

i made a little setting for them wih some soil and distilled water im making sure its always humid not wet .

can you tell me how much time i can stay with this soil setting before its gonna be too late to transfert to my AG

or maybe theres no time limit o_O

Thx Again


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Another person trying the aerogarden. People have good results at first, then you never hear from them again. I have never seend anyone yet that has completed a harvest useing a aerogarden.

Best wishes, I will be watching this one.

I have seen great success when used for cuttings though.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
i saw some nice Buds comming from the AG in This Site !
Really? can you give me a link to that end of harvest? I would love to see an aerogarden finished crop thread.

I have seen like one person finish an aerogarden crop, But he bought the system for like $150, and spent about another $300 upgradeing it.