Aerogarden dissapointments


Well I have been growing for decades, so when areogardens came out and promised huge results I gave it a try

I have several Areo 60s, in a large grow operation, i have been using them for one year now, but think im done

the Aero does veg amazingly fast, I took several of the same clones, some in areo, some in top feed, some in quality soil, and the Areos vegged 2x as fast, however the buds were 2x as small. i use all GH nutes, and have played with the PPM from 800-2000, doesnt seem to matter, the stalks on the areo system are huge, too big, they could support a house, so no tying off is needed. If you grow the plants over 2' (at harvest) you have so many roots clogging up you system, you always need to cut them out of the resevoir. I can never get the leaves to yellow at the end no matter how hot i make the solution (i can get them to burn, not just the normal yellowing towards the end), there is no way you can grow 60 plants that actually produce good buds, more like 20-30, and you still run out of room/light, and too much roots.
the pre-made areo 60 system has the pots way to close to eachother, Im growing PK, which is short and stubby, i tried OG and it was out of control, way too tall/big for this system. I have various veg times from 0 to 3 weeks, still small buds.

this is my experience, i have heared of others with great success, but never seen it. the soil and top feed produced 2x as much good bud, it just took a little longer, the system is high maintance.

I would be happy to hear from anyone of what i may be doing wrong, but the plants in the other system are getting the same love/light/nutes/temp and produce larger buds, If i could get the buds to grow like the stalks, then it would be impressive


Well-Known Member
Just wondering why you would make your mix hot to yellow the leafs. the leaf turning yellow at the end is due to the plant using up nutes stored. stop nutes and your plant will yellow.


im playing around with PPM to what they can handle, they can handle a lot, i hit 2000ppm and the tips show a little sign of being to much so i back it off, the leaves should yellow due to the lack of Nitrogen, which is completely cut out after the 3rd week of budding, the same plants in soil and top feed do their natural yellowing as they get closer to the end, not the areos. i was hoping that playing with some real rich bloom/superbloom/micro, that i could get them to do their natural yellowing, trichomes says their ready but all leaves are still dark green, not one yellow leaf


I'm no expert. I starved 'em at the end.
i keep a rich bloom mix until week 7 or 8, flush with kleen for a few days then ph'd h2o for 4 more days, leaves are still dark green in the areo setup at that point, but buds are definetly ready, i have even over ripened for an xtra week just to get more purple in the PK, and the leaves stay dark