Aeroflow2 60 Plant Site


Active Member
Hey all, I'm brand new here. I've made my way over here from another forum that I use to post at that seems to be just about dead now. This place seems a little more lively so maybe it'll be my new home..

Anyway I'm looking for opinions on the Aeroflow2 60 plant site system as well as some basic information on it. First off, is it big enough to house 60 plants.. if it is I would probably be required to switch them to 12/12 at a height of about 12 inches eh since its only rated for 3 foot plants? I'm concerned that the roots won't have enough room to grow to their maximum potential.

How many lights would I be required to use for a system such as this. My initial thought was 2 600 watt HID, but after thinking about it for the last 24 hours I'm starting to think that this won't be enough.

Anyway if anyone has grown with this system I would love to hear about it, pictures would be awesome as well.

If you wanted to get maximum yield in the shortest amount of time, in minimum amount of space and for the least amount of electricity what would you do? Aeroponics seems like the way to go to me. What are your views on this matter.

P.S - Great forum I'm sure I'll enjoy being here. TIA for any help and suggestions you can offer.

Keep :joint: