Aero w/no medium...How do YOU start/grow seeds/seedlings & support plant?

I just turned by first aero grow to flower, they are looking awesome, but I'm learning from all the things I did wrong, or trying to.
This first time I started my seeds in baggies w/water, after cracking open I put them in rockwool starters, then placed those in 5" net pot lids. After maturing, my plants had no support, I didn't use any medium or pots, just let the roots roam. So rockwool isn't the way I want to go next time. Was thinking cocotek?
How do you start your seeds? And most importantly, once they open up, what do you use to germinate them? Do you keep them in like a clone box or something while germinating? If so, at what point do you put them in your system? Like, how big? I like the idea of no medium, just letting the roots do their thing, but how do you support your plants? Especially with bigass buds.
I guess my question comes down to....what to start the seeds in that will transfer to an aeroponic system, that will start the seed and support the plant?
Thanks! :joint:
Why don't you just clip clones off of your grow now? Isn't it easier and faster? Then you will have all females. Just my .02