AERO/nft full details / Issue:> yellow/gray? spots


Active Member
plz see picture attached,

=system design info:
->600W hps @ ~24" distance
->room temp 71-74 F @ 30-40 % humid.
->aero tube w/ a blueberryK & a masterK
->water runs 15 on and 15 off (cheaper timer)
*NOTE: aero pump is running w/o
nozzles so its a pseudo-NFT
->veg. was for ~4 weeks w/ 24hours light= both are ~15" tall
->res. is ~15 gallon with tap/RO water
& airstones and (new) 2nd pump for circ.
->res. temp is always right @ 70F (will get chiller eventually)
->nutes were 10-5-14 during veg @ 1/2 dose (4 aero)
->flower nutes are "open sesame" still (5-45-19) @ ~<half-dose(or ~1/8 tsp/gal)
*wanted to use TigerBloom but havent because the open sesame seems like such a potent fert.
->micro nutes provided by ~1 drop/gallon 'superthrive' (is this stuff decent?, does it have mag.?)
->was adding h2o2 but stopped when i realized it was spiking the pH to acid before it broke down...
->(new- 3 days ago) began adding 1/2 teaspoons of epsom (?-for magnesium)

problem persists almost from start and
still exists now into start of 3rd
week of flower stage.
is a little worse on the blueberry than
the master
also, there is a curling up at the ends
& it is almost exclusive to the mid-plant
really, really big leaves

*known possible errors:
-ph was more or less at 6.7 - 7 for
much of the time until ~a week ago.
-also, was probably fluctuating.
now ph metering is more accurately
done and has been gradually brought
to ~5.8.

i realize that if this is a result of nute lockout (especially magnesium)
from pH being high and wavering that its probably just waiting
for fixes i have made to take effect.
but i want to get advice on what else
could be screwing up...

to be clear, my fixes that i have attempted just a week ago include:
+adding a 2nd pump just to circulate the res.
+switching to RO water to avoid calcium locking out the mag. (tap was 50ppm calc i found out, not terrible but...)
+adding the epsom but just in 1/2 teaspoon amounts
+quitting the h2o2 supplement as it seems to goof the pH all over

thanks for checking this out, the grow is experimental for learning before attempting to put 6 under the 600W for a nice twice a year medical grow.
...wishing i would have gone with bubba rather than these (especially the obviously weaker blueberry) as ive found theres a yumyum taste to bubba! yea?

anyway, all ideas would be helpful to fix problem and/or improve system. btw, nozzles were not put into tubes because they clog so a 2500 gal/hour (big) pump is pushing through ~40 1/16" holes. roots are beautiful looking however i doubt there is a true <5micron mist happening. hence,
"pseudo"aero... or semi-NFT as description. also, i run it 15on and 15off because those timers are $15 at the hardware stores, whereas the interval timers that would get me a nice 2mins on / 10 mins off, etc etc were out of the budget for this small test run.

thanks again for lookin @ all that :hump:

P.S.- small leaf is from aeroclone box. note same problem exists
in that entirely different setup (100W fluoro w/ sonic mister).
therefore, its not likely light burn for example. again, this leads
to problem with ph as the clone system was likely above about
6.5 pH with some fluctuation happening...
oh, and spraying the foliage just a little bit with diluted epsom
salts hasnt worked (but ive only got to do it 3-4 days now)



Active Member
uh oh,
i have been reading all day (and waiting for a post in the thread)
and am worried about rust fungus...

now im paranoid and think i have
spider mites and thrips and welll EVERYTHING, IDK! lol

theres a great picture attached-- whats someone think?

drifting in the wind,

EDIT: omg, i just read on another post that
the pH-down for pools and spas is made with
salt (sodium) and therefore it locks out your
nutes by salting up the water!!! is this true??
(thats what ive been using!)

....i will switch from spa:pH-down to the proper food-grade phosphoric acid for gardening use
and post results to let (myself) know if it worked when i re-read my thread...

ok, thanks seeweed