Aero Garden Taste Test


Well-Known Member
(i ever did saw.) What are you saying? LOL...... you sound retarded. And if you feel like that. Why bother? Keep commets like that to yourself.


Well-Known Member
Probably never taste it since the fluff you grow in that thing will burn up in a second.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Taste is pretty much strain/plant specific. Good genetics usually produce fairly good tasting plants. Crap genetics make crap tastin weed.

though a crappily grown hydro bud CAN have it's own "flavor"! LOL.

bt dt


Well-Known Member
Some of us are new to growing and can't tell the differents between bud thats growned from soil or a aeroponic system. Lets say you got two plants that are the same strain. One plant is in soil the other in a aeroponic system. Both under high pressure lights useing the same nutrients. Could you tell the differents? Would it smell or taste different?


Well-Known Member
Some of us are new to growing and can't tell the differents between bud thats growned from soil or a aeroponic system. Lets say you got two plants that are the same strain. One plant is in soil the other in a aeroponic system. Both under high pressure lights useing the same nutrients. Could you tell the differents? Would it smell or taste different?
I understand you question. I can tell you in the U.S. many people think " 'dro " is the best stuff on earth. Tastes better, smells better and gets you HIGH (as hell).

This can be explained easily. If you were commercially growing indoors for profit, you would want a good product, produced quickly and as much of it as you can. 'Dro is just short for hydro which is short for hydroponics, which is just the method the weed is produced from.

People are told that 'dro is good and have good experiences with what they smoked. They may have also been told that the low grade commercial is just Mexican brick weed pulled off of river banks and their experience is it is bad.

If that was all you knew you would think hydroponic weed tastes better, smells better and gets you higher. This is a popular conception. Not necessarily true. You would have to do a comparison side by side to find your answer.

I'm learning too ;)

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
A lot of the end result also depends on the grower. Quality seeds in the hands of the inexperienced doesn't automatically mean the bud is gonna be killer.

As far a soil vs.'s an old argument. My experience is this:

I've had great hydro bud that burned clean in the pipe and left a white ash...just like organic bud does EVERYTIME...and I've had FORCED hydro bud full of chemmies (beasters) that wouldn't fully burn in the pipe and left a big black hunk of coal as an 'ash" rather than a white ash as it should.

I've also seen poorly grown..non flushed hydro bud "snap, crackle, and pop" in the bowl when flamed...MMMMmmm nothing like smoking petrochemicals! On the flipside...I've never seen organic bud blow up in anyone's face.

OVERALL (there are always exceptions and there are some GREAT hydro folks out there producin' buds) I think you will get a smoother smoking, sweeter, and better burning product by using organics and growing in soil vs. chemmies and growing in a man-made medium.

However, hydro will ALWAYS blow away soil for yields indoors. (outdoors is the exception) This is why folks do it. It simply produces more product FASTER.

In the end...I think everyone should focus more on GROWING HEALTHY PLANTS and less on the method. Pot grows well no matter's all about personal preference and what you are eventually gonna do with the buds you grow.

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
your not going to be able to tell the diff. just by smoking it. Ive been told that soil produces the best tasting flower,,but its messy... bugs..and hard to maintain level nutes and ph


Well-Known Member
Hey major nuggz i've seened your Gallery! WOW thats what i call talent. Your friends most love the hell out of you. LOL Your the man. NO Douts about it.


Well-Known Member
thanxs man..learned from my bro up north..he's producing 2 liter nogs indoor's no shit 1/4b nogs dry
Another wanna my buddies used to grow at the university of washington as a student so Ive been surrounded by informative talent for twenty years or so..Nice to see these groups passing down knowledge and mistakes they've everyone can become mrsgreenthumb

I have five best friends in this world and everyone of them grow
just wish they all wouldnt harvest at the same dam time DOH