
Hey, guys.

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I've been browsing the forums and i've been picking up advice here and there but I was wondering if some of you could answer a couple of questions I had in my particular situation.

I have been posting in other forums and asking questions and have received nothing but hate so I thought i'd ask you guys (you seem fairly nice to noobs and always always informative)

Basically I've been wanting to start a grow of my own, personal, nothing too big.
I have two small hydroponic systems (one homemade) a few different grow mediums (rockwool, RR) air pump, air stones etc. but the light I had sadly was a cheap LED one and it's apparently not working too well. I need to purchase better lights but i'd rather not spend a lot of money on them. electricity also concerns me as well.

Hydrofarm JSV2 2-Foot Jump Start T5 with a 24 watt T5 6400k

Or I have a hanging shop light I suppose I could convert.

or a fixture with a 125 Watt CFL Grow Light 6500K

I'm fairly sure I want to go CFL and I know I can buy the bulbs at the local hardware store but I need a fixture too.

So basically any recommendations, or knowledge you can drop on me is appreciated.

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