Advice welcome biscoti auto and black orchid auto


Well-Known Member
Ho everyone what's everyone think to these 2 girls there currently in week 6 there in 20l pots in plant magic soil I've given them only water so far and am not tempted to feed at all yet as there looking pretty healthy but happy to be advised otherwise there under a 400w has and have just started to flower the one at the back is the biscoti autoflower and the one at the front is the black orchid



Know this coming a bit late in replies, black orchid in my experience required heavier feeding than some other strains. I think your plant is showing you that. I would feed, lightly to begin and probably a foliar spray to help it recover. What type of water and PH? Guessing cal mag would help for sure but think it needs everything at this point. And I know, foliar spray when there are buds…. You have plenty of time