Advice please


Hi all

I was working on the fact i had about a week to go to harvest and was concerned with a yellowing that i couldn't acuratly diagnose. I took some pics to post on here and while doing so, realised i may have the dates wrong and should've harvested now. Could you have a look and see where i am pls.



Well-Known Member
how many days has it been so far.. it looks like its about 40-50 days? the leave do start to yellow near the end, but i think you have at least 2 weeks left ]

My plants have that browning on the leaves but not the yellow..

maybe give it one more nute dose and then start the flushing?


The yellowing is nothing to worry about there, slight yellowing during flowering stage is normal, jus as long its not too much. Best time to harvest is when 70-75% of the pistils have turned from wire to Brown. To be more accurate, harvest when trichomes (THC) have gone from clear-cloudy to an amber colour.