Advice please!


Hey so I'm about to do a grow out of a cabinet. I'm looking to grow two different strains but I'm not sure which ones to do. Hopefully something that would fill inside a large dresser at full maturity. Also I'm looking for it to have a fairly quick cycle, something like 9 weeks with the SOG method. Don't worry about how easy or hard it is to grow, if you know an amazing strain that you think there should be more of let me know! Thanks!

Big C

White Rhino! Sister to White Widow. grows fast, grows close tight internodes developing into a real heavy weight if you train it from a very young age. Very stinky sticky flowers. Thats one of many I like. Good luck


Well-Known Member
sharksbreath DNA i always suggest it becuase its been by far the best ive grown in strength to veg and easy to clone has a amazing taste and as a F1 theirs a pretty good uniformity ive only seen 2 -3 expressions i say 2 -3 because 2 of the 3 are so alike to each other its hard to distinguish but just a amazing smoke as well ppl love it around here when its gets around


Well-Known Member
my first grow was the speed queen and i did it in a similar size so i would recommend that strain. very nice indica, long branches stocked with nugs.
a little smelly if u dont have a carbon filter. and not the hardest strain to master.