Advice please? I could use some. The different systems


Clearing out my basement for the first grow. Probably will be starting out with 4-8 plants, not sure which strain just yet. Still reading and reading and reading. Problem is... I'm kind of stuck at choosing a grow method.

I see lots of debate between the different types of systems. There are companies selling ready-made (hydro)systems with small reservoirs. Does anybody have a great recommendation for me to grow 20 some odd plants? The faster it can be done, with the least headache, least money invested, all the better. If I can put together a system myself that'll get me going, that works too. Or perhaps a system that I can put together for 4-8 plants that can be expanded upon later?

Order of priority for me:

1. Yield
2. Speed
3. Quality
4. Don't need to check it every day (automation? software?)
5. Money/Cheap (energy efficiency? reliable equipment?)
6. Space

I don't know if I should be messing with aero, hydro, bubble, or organic. I suppose I'd rather veg out a bunch of plants for a much larger yield, if that's how it works :) I really wouldn't know how long you can veg them prior to the flower stage, if there's some point when the effort vs return starts to die off?

EDIT: Also, if there's some method or another that works better for low stress testing, let me know. At first glance, this method seems to be best for sprouting more colas?


Grow in soil. This is the best way not to have to check it each single day. Look at my grow book right below this is the best method with tips on everything ;)