Advice on some craigslist deals I'm looking at for HPS lights?

My future grow room is 6 1/2L by 3W by 7H

I am looking for either a 400hps or 600hps...Thinking the 600 might be pushing it because I'm worried about temps considering i'm doing this in a closet on the top floor venting into the attic. 4 1/2 feet by 3 will be the portion dedicated to the flowering stage while the rest of the closet will be cut off and sectioned for cloning, veging, etc. Considering the sq footage being about 14...600 seems plausible. I really don't need to fill the space since i'm growing for personal use and only want a few plants....(no more than 6).

So, my first purchase I want to make is the grow lights I'll need...any advice is welcomed. Money is tight so I'm looking to save and am not adverse to any DIY solutions. I have seen some (from my limited experience) good deals or seems like good deals on craigslist for:
60bucks "barely used"
120 bucks likewise barely used or so they say.
Comes with a brand new HPS and MH bulb aside from the originals that have some use on them.

IF anyone can chime in on these deals I'd appreciate it. This is my first post of what may be many :)


Well-Known Member
if its a magnetic barely used could mean 10 years use and it would still be worth the 60$ they want i prefer test the light whenever possible but most likely if its a magnetic ballast it works fine so i would get the cheapest one.


Well-Known Member
oh and iin your case i would go with the 400w if this is your first rodeo, more room to make mistakes to learn from.
Thanks I appreciate the advice...I think I will go with the 400 and it's local so hopefully I can test it out. I forgot the mention that the 600 comes with two extra bulbs. Not sure if that plays a big factor considering everything.


New Member
Thanks I appreciate the advice...I think I will go with the 400 and it's local so hopefully I can test it out. I forgot the mention that the 600 comes with two extra bulbs. Not sure if that plays a big factor considering everything.
both are good deals they are 50% of retail price
which is what u would expect to pay for used
for size room i would go with the 600 regardless if first grow or not
then u wont have to upgrade later

just have seller prove they work and not just turn on have him run it for 10-15 minutes
some when capacitor is going bad will come on but shut back off in few minutes

if seller makes excuse why he cant set it up walk away

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Don't buy that HTG ballast if temps are going to be an issue. That style of ballast gets hot.

If you're going to run a 600 in there, you should consider running a higher quality ballast so temps dont get crazy. Unless you live in Alaska... if you live in Alaska then it's a good choice.. It's worth the extra 40 bucks to get a quality digital ballast that will run cool and not give you heat issues. I know it sucks forking out cash, but think of it as an investment.

you might need to aircool that light, too.
I just found some single bulb t12's that I can use for free...12 of them with one 40watt blub in them each. is always tempting even though I know I want an HPS ultimately, but since it's my first many things running around in my brain. Lots to is a good price :) I might not want to dive into this thing with wallet blazing considering this is my first grow...I can dial in my grow room and work out some quirks here and there with the t12's and see if I am going to do this all the time like I want to. Deals come and go...I'm sure I can find more HPS deals eventually if need be. lol i'm talking myself out of an HPS...when did I get old? I like the good old days of recklessly diving into anything without looking :)


New Member
I just found some single bulb t12's that I can use for free...12 of them with one 40watt blub in them each. is always tempting even though I know I want an HPS ultimately, but since it's my first many things running around in my brain. Lots to is a good price :) I might not want to dive into this thing with wallet blazing considering this is my first grow...I can dial in my grow room and work out some quirks here and there with the t12's and see if I am going to do this all the time like I want to. Deals come and go...I'm sure I can find more HPS deals eventually if need be. lol i'm talking myself out of an HPS...when did I get old? I like the good old days of recklessly diving into anything without looking :)
no t 12 aint worth a sit some use them for clones or seedling
come on dude pull the trigger on the 600 w one
stop bullshitting


Well-Known Member
Offer less for the VS one. I have one it it works great. Hell he may take $90.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
does either package come with an air cooled hood?

your going to need good ventilation to run either light so you may as well vent the hood. if both packages have an air cooled hood i would grab both lol