Advice on Curing


Active Member
I need some advice on how to properly cure my first grow. How many days usually after you chop do you hang it for? After that what do you do? Also when do you trim?



Well-Known Member
i chop when 80 percent hairs are amber of when ready by the trichs then hang or put well spreed out in a paper bag for at least a week stems should snap when its ready to cure then i put them in mason jars open once to twice a day for a month i knows its takes a while kind of a pain in the ass but the results are so much better

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I hack when trichs are 1/2 amber and1/2 cloudy.( Its worth it to get a scope)I remove the leaves and hang in a dark closet for about 4 days until it feels dry to the touch and you can smoke a test bowl without it being too wet to snap easily. Then I put it in a brown paper bag and put the brown bag inside a plastic bag for a day or two. Then it goes in a sealed jar or two ziplocks. You need at least two ziplocks because they dont seal properly for curing. Check every few hours to make sure the buds are NOT starting to feel moist again. If you let them remoisten the taste and smell is lost FOREVER! If they feel like they are getting moist at all again put them back in the brown bag for another day then do the sealed jar again. Too dry is better then too wet. You dont want the shit brittle but you do want it dry before you seal it and start the cure process. Put the jars or baggies inside a brown bag to block light. Even though it seems dry to you it will still go through chemical processes for weeks and when its cured it wont be brittle. Just smell and taste good and get you ripped! Peace Out!


Active Member
hi there i dont av a scope my plants are just over 8 wks flowering they are over 50% orange hairs on em but do not want to cut unless i no for sure there ready any subsitiute for the scope


Well-Known Member
I harvest when my trics are about 80% cloudy and 20% amber. I trim immediately and hang in a cool dark ventilated space for about 4-6 days (all depends on feel). I wait until the outside of the bud is dry and the stem is not cracking when bending but just starting to get rigid.

Then its off to mason jars....after the 1st day if they get too moist, I place them in a paper bag to dry a bit more. Then back to the jars. You want them to sweat their moisture from the middle out but once again its a "feel" game. It takes a few times to understand what I am talking about.

Once they are where they need to be, they stay in glass jars getting burped everyday for a week, every other day the next week, then if the feel is right they stay sealed for a week before I check them. This process takes about one month but its well worth it.


Well-Known Member
hi there i dont av a scope my plants are just over 8 wks flowering they are over 50% orange hairs on em but do not want to cut unless i no for sure there ready any subsitiute for the scope
Pistils (the hairs you spoke of) are generally 80%+ red when the plant is ready for harvest, so you should have some time yet. The pistil method is not always accurate, however.

As for scope alternatives, you could get a jeweller's loupe (the eyepieces they use for checking gems etc.) Get one that is at least 10x magnification, preferable more.

Or, if you are feeling adventurous, and have a camera phone and an old CD player, you could try to DIY your own scope, like this.