Advice needed!


Active Member
Well anyways my question is i have a certain plant that is exactly 9 weeks old today and the thing is its only about 7-8inches tall. The reason for this is when i started growing the plant it was in a well ventalated crawl space that just happened to have a common household lamp light-bulb and i would just water it wenever i remembered to and if it lived cool and if it died watever. but it got bigger and bigger and eventually too big for the space alotted for it. soo we decided to buy a T5 SunLeaves CFL 1x4ft, and took it to the basement. That was about a month ago and even though its not really tall its pretty short,shrubby, and bushy.Well last week i got this 400wt Hps and im wondering will the light conversion have anything to do with the flowering?plus will the size of the plant when in the depths of flowering increase to the size of where you cant sneak it out of a dorm room without drawing campus security on youre ass? Plus i think dorm room growing is scetchy as hell. any help.??:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::spew:

Chronic AK

Well-Known Member
for security, lots of ona gel, it will hide the snell, if you get arrested look guilty as hell hell and make a big scene