Advice needed for grow closet sizing and design


Hey guys, this is my 1st grow, and there are a few things I am unsure about.

I will give you all the dimensions of my closet first, then give some pictures so you can tell what I am talking about;

My closet is 54x79x95". There is however a shelf built onto the back 79" wall. The shelf runs the entire length of the closet and is 12" wide and it is 64" off the ground. on the right side of the shelf is a full shelf unit, which has to shelves. The shelves are 14" deep, and 21" across, the top one being 28" high and the bottom is 33" high.
First picture is the left side of the shelf:

Then this is the right side (the shelf unit):

and then a picture of the main floor area (those are 2 gallon pots):

What I have done so far:

I have started by building myself a frame of 1/2 pvc for the top shelf area, i then wrapped it in panda wrap, and mounted an exhaust fan and circulation fan. My lighting is a simple CFL fixture (3 sockets screwed to a piece of wood) hung from the top. I will do the same for the area below it. That will give me two growing areas, the one I have already made, which is 14x21x28 and the one I will be building, which is 14x21x33.

I also have the floor space in the picture, which is 54x45x64(where the shelf runs, or 95 if you ignore the shelf). It is 45 because the closet door swings in, and that is what space is left after clearance for the door.

My goal is to produce (hopefully) 2-4oz a month. I have been reading and that seems like it should be feasible. I am thinking I will do it in a 2 week perpetual harvest of hopefully at least 1oz.

I figure if I use the top shelf (14x21x28 ) as mother/clone area, then the bottom shelf (14x21x33) as the veg area I can use the floor as the flowering room.

Now, if I haven't lose you yet.... on to my questions :)

My main problem is where I will flower. I had originally been thinking of doing a SOG grow where I would use the top shelf for mother/clone and then go directly to flowering in the bottom shelf. I am moving away from this idea since I don't think I would get the harvest I am looking for in that small space.
That leaves me with the closet floor to flower. Is it possible for me to just put panda film up and then put the lights up without actually building a smaller room inside my closet? I would have to rely on circulation fans to keep it cool, since the only way in/out of my closet is the door (and I hope to keep it that way). I can leave the door open, but smell is a concern. could I just run a carbon scrubber in the room with a fan pulling through it but just have it exhaust right back in the room?

If thats a not a good idea I will have to section off a room and then I can intake and exhaust back into the main closet. Would that do the trick?
I would like to keep it as small as possible while still producing my goal (1oz/2weeks). What sort of floor space should I be expecting to use to flower enough plants? And how many plants should I be thinking? 2 or 3 every 2 weeks enough for 1oz? That would mean if I need 8 weeks for flowering (I am growing bunker bud). I would need room for 8-16 plants in various stages of flowering.

I have not decided on lighting for the flowering room, but I assume with the amount I want to yield I will need HPS. Heat may be a factor as I don't want to cut into any walls. I can leave the closet door open, but I think fresh air may be a factor.

Basically I am looking for ideas on the best way to use this space to produce 2-4oz of bud a month. I think I am on the right track, and it seems like a fairly reasonable goal.... I think?

Thanks for and suggestions or comments,