Advice for a bathroom grower.


Active Member
Hello my fellow weed smokers. I need your expertise.

I plan on growing some plants in my bathroom, because it's the one spot in my house that my wife simply will not go into. She thinks my bathroom is disgusting and never, I mean never opens the door. LOL. My bathroom is huge with a nice big area next to the bathtub that has plenty of growing potential. She knows that I like to smoke, but forget me even talking about spending money on it. SO basically I get it whenever I can, a little here and there. Also, she wouldn't dare allow me to grow it in the backyard....fear of getting busted.

So you see my ordeal. It's now time to start growing weed in my bathroom. I often have to buy things at Ace hardware for the yard, and I could slip in some extra goods without her what do I need to buy. I have a sunlight in my bathroom, but I know that's not enough light. My bathroom i already equipped with a heavy duty exhaust fan. My question is..what exactly do I need to grow the seeds that I have collected. HOw long will they take to bud...etc.

I know that this post makes me sound whipped. I'm not....I just love my wife, and she don't like weed that much, and I wanna do my best to keep us both happy. Peace.


Well-Known Member
check out our FAQ section..... everything you could possibly need to know is in there.

and Welcome to RIU.......


Well-Known Member
if you have an upstairs bathroom with a window that shit will air out so good and a bth tub is a good place to put a system and a shower curtain hanger to secure the lights. hella legit place to grow.


Well-Known Member
You might wanna light some stinky incense (anything pungent) put it in that bathroom and flip that fan on, then go round checking for where it exhausts before doing it with sweet herb in the air.
Could save you from a problem later on down the grow.


Well-Known Member
smart man mrfishy ..... we dont want to atract any attention ..

BTW...send your wife shopping or to her moms......roll a fatty...smoke it while you read the FAQ for some reason i soke it all up when zooted!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck!!!!!!! as long as sheaint the type to flip if she found out then i guess its fine.... my wife didnt know at first , i had a little rubbermaid set up for veg.... but when she found out she just said "you effin crazy" "they look so nice, how much longer til we can shmoke it???? LOL.... shes mad cool tho...