Advanced Nutrients?

save your money and buy something in the middle or better yet for your first grow go with general hydroponics until you have a few harvests under your green belt.
IMO AN is all marketing and very little in substance but I dont use them anymore


New Member
my first grow I had the general hydroponic 3 part. It works very well. Right now I'm using Holland's Secret because it was more cheap the GH, but I'm growing tomatoes right now so I'm not sure how the yield is compared to GH.

I'd suggest just getting the basic 3 part GH


Active Member
Dude... get something light DynaGro ... allyou need is Dynagrow Grow & Protekt for the veg state, then get DynaGro Bloom for flowering.
5mls per gallon of Grow per gallon and 2-3mls of Protekt for full strength, so dial it down in the beginning
5mls per gallon of Bloom and 3mls of Protekt for flowering.

1 Liter of Grow & bloom is $20 each and will last a LONG time, protekt same size is like $30 but will last as long if not longer than both the grow & bloom bottles.