Advanced Nutrients pH-PPM Perfect !!


Active Member
Whens this stuff going to be released? anyone have any insight? They have been talking about it for years.


Well-Known Member
dont believe that shit about not having to worry about your ph. I always check my ph even if the nutes say that you dont. its always better to play it safe than to be sorry. so fuck that shit about not to adjust your ph. ALWAYS adjust your ph no matter what the label says.


Active Member
Advanced Nutrients products are PH perfect lol and have been for a long time now. I only have to balance my PH if I use something non advanced usually and it stays very close within range all week until i need to swap nutrients. Stuff works great and if you chase your PH every day its a bad idea. If your putting PH up / down into your setup daily then you should probably stop. This is assuming your using good water and nutes. The plants will absorb and release what they need and they change the PH as they do so. To be a little outside your 5.8-6.2 is fine. I balance mine at 5.8 and it always goes beteween 5.8-6.5 throughout the week. Thats what ive learned anyway.

Best of Luck to ya


Active Member
Whens this stuff going to be released? anyone have any insight? They have been talking about it for years.
You know, this confused me for a long time. And then I took a look around the Advanced Nutrients site and I see that the nutrients are pH-PPM perfect formulated. So, the products themselves are created in a way that is supposed to support not checking your pH or PPM all the time.

Now, do I trust a system to be something that never needs to be checked? Um, even as much as I love Advanced Nutrients, I have to admit that I still check things out to ensure things are still working.

A product could be perfect, but I'm not. I make mistakes that nutrients can't make up for. LOL

So, the nutrient lineup is made to be as f-ck up free as possible. They do the trick for me. Are they perfect? Well, I'm not either.


Active Member
Always best to adjust the water then put in the nutes. That way even if the nutes are used up the water will stay adjusted. Other than that nutes are 5.8 by themselfs.