Advance Question

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
Well Ive been thinking about different nuterients, because Foxfarm I believe is way to over rated, to much money for the results I get, I used GH Flora Seires and had almost identical results. So I think im going to try and run Advance Nutetrients, the schedule I want to run is:

  • Grow, Micro, And Bloom
  • Pirrahna
  • B-52
  • Bud Candy (Do I still need Big Bud?)
  • Big Bud (If Needed)
  • Overdrive
  • Vodoo Juice (If I have the Money, Way to Pricey)
Is there anything else you would reccomend, I dont care how much it cost, but just what you would reccomend, like a differenct schedule or just add more or get different supplements. Its really only for flowering becasue the soil should keep them happy in vegg since its only a month. So if you have any input, it would be really appreciated! (P.S. I do plan on running a hydro system in the future!)

This is out of my Journal:

Please help, I want to run these nuterients for my flower.
Hey Mac. I have alot of exp. w/ AN products and soil. They work very well together first because unlike hydroponics soil holds on to moisture and nutrients longer so you don't need as much nutes or water as often.
Grow, Micro & Bloom is a good base nutrient. It is the economy line of AN. If you can step up to Sensi Grow & Bloom. They are a step up from GMB line. You would still need Big Bud as Bud Candy is a sweetener and carb supplement it is Carboload mixed with Sweet Leaf. If you use Voodoo Juice you will want to also use Carboload to feed the bene's in Voodoo. Voodoo will compliment Piranha they work very well together. You could substitute Sensi-zym for Voodoo. See, beneficial bacteria like the species in Voodoo eat dead root zone matter and produce enzymes. It is the enzymes that make nutrients more available to the roots. Voodoo lasts in soil for about three weeks when supplemented with a carbohydrate food source. It is not needed that much only a small amount to help root clones and a dose when transplanting for vegetative growth. Some people and it is recommended by AN in the feeding schedule to use once more in transition from veg to flower. Although expensive it lasts for a while when used properly. Sensi-zym on the other hand is enzymes all ready to go no need to wait for their production from bacteria. It is cheaper but you need it more often as they die off relatively fast. So it's a toss up as you can see. Overdrive is meant to be used in weeks 5 & 6 in flower, it pushes the plants into well, Overdrive to boost bud density and growth in the late stages when the plants energy is starting to wind down. It is like steroids except your member grows instead of shrinking.:) I am a firm believer in the Advanced Nutrient promise to help you grow the best buds. I may be able to help you out. I will be sending you a PM right now.