SO! I need to move my grow room. A friend of mine just gave me his very heathy mother! So my new grow room will be a tottaly fresh start.
46" widt 6 feet height at least and a good 6 feet wide.
Now I have one 400wat hps
Im just more concered about the room it self its not inslated at all, infact I live in Canada right now and the temp hits at least -15oc at night. the room it self is basicaly never over 0oc ever. Its good and bad, I plan on basicaly builting a room out of 2x4s and inslating it with basic shit then instead of dry will ill put maylar.
Anyone who has designed a room in a cold room any advice would be much aprecated.
Lookin for the built to go down tomorrow
46" widt 6 feet height at least and a good 6 feet wide.
Now I have one 400wat hps
Im just more concered about the room it self its not inslated at all, infact I live in Canada right now and the temp hits at least -15oc at night. the room it self is basicaly never over 0oc ever. Its good and bad, I plan on basicaly builting a room out of 2x4s and inslating it with basic shit then instead of dry will ill put maylar.
Anyone who has designed a room in a cold room any advice would be much aprecated.
Lookin for the built to go down tomorrow