Administration Fears Obamacare So Flawed, It Could Bankrupt Insurance Companies


New Member
While the administration publicly expresses full confidence in its health care law, privately it fears one part of the system is so flawed it could bankrupt insurance companies and cripple ObamaCare itself.

To justify a no-bid contract with Accenture after firing CGI as the lead contractor, the administration released documents from the Department of Health and Human Services and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services that offered a rare glimpse of its worst fears, saying the problems with the website puts "the entire health insurance industry at risk" ... "potentially leading to their default and disrupting continued services and coverage to consumers."

Then it went even further, saying if the problems were not fixed by mid-March, "they will result in financial harm to the government."
It even added that without the fixes "the entire health care reform program is jeopardized."

I honestly don't see how Obamacare will survive another year.
The employer mandate will kick in this fall and millions of previously insured Americans will have no choice but purchase government regulated health insurance or pass on insurance altogether, only to face a fine.

Then, shit will be hitting the fan in masses, right before the mid term elections.:clap:


Well-Known Member
i believe i saw this chicken little, sky is falling crap on fox news yesterday.


good job, clayton. way to prove what an easily brainwashed and manipulated little simpleton you are.


New Member
i believe i saw this chicken little, sky is falling crap on fox news yesterday.


good job, clayton. way to prove what an easily brainwashed and manipulated little simpleton you are.
Well, I don't buy yours or any other lefties garbage that Fox News isn't reliable news meme.
I've asked you multiple times to post a couple of your news sources and you ran away from the challenge, you worried?

Be that as it may, it was HHS that made the statement, not Fox news.


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't buy yours or any other lefties garbage that Fox News isn't reliable news meme.
and your inability to discern good information from bad is exactly why you buy into stuff like the skewed polls garbage.

you're an easily duped, easily manipulated, dumb partisan.


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't buy yours or any other lefties garbage that Fox News isn't reliable news meme.
- On the February 20th, 2012 edition of the Fox News show Hannity, Fox News contributor Karl Rove
(R-Fox News), repeated the falsehood that President Obama gave a ($2 billion) loan to Brazil’s
national oil company – Petrobras. According to Rove, “The president even gave a loan to Brazil. Why
do they need our money, they’ve got plenty of their own.”


New Member
and your inability to discern good information from bad is exactly why you buy into stuff like the skewed polls garbage.

you're an easily duped, easily manipulated, dumb partisan.
You can't cite a reliable source to prove Fox News is any less accurate than other news broadcast, now can you?


New Member
- On the February 20th, 2012 edition of the Fox News show Hannity, Fox News contributor Karl Rove
(R-Fox News), repeated the falsehood that President Obama gave a ($2 billion) loan to Brazil’s
national oil company – Petrobras. According to Rove, “The president even gave a loan to Brazil. Why
do they need our money, they’ve got plenty of their own.”
LMAO Cheezy, the Sean Hannity show is not news, it's editorial (opinion).

Derp, derp, derp


Well-Known Member
You can't cite a reliable source to prove Fox News is any less accurate than other news broadcast, now can you?
how does forbes work for you? (<-----this is how you cite a source, ya fucking clown)

[h=1]Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests[/h]
People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents recently. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed. In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don&#8217;t watch any news at all.


Well-Known Member
LMAO Cheezy, the Sean Hannity show is not news, it's editorial (opinion).

Derp, derp, derp
Well, I don't buy yours or any other lefties garbage that Fox News isn't reliable news meme.
- On the April 19th, 2012 edition of Fox and Friends, Steve Doocy deliberately misquoted a statement
made by President Obama during a speech he gave on the previous day. While interviewing Gov. Mitt
Romney, Doocy claimed the president had said, &#8220;Unlike some people, I wasn&#8217;t born with a silver spoon
in my mouth,&#8221; which gave the distinct impression that he had been referring to Romney. Romney
immediately pounced on the intentional misstatement as if the president had been talking about hi


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't buy yours or any other lefties garbage that Fox News isn't reliable news meme.
- During a segment on the Fox News late night program Red Eye, Fox News Contributor Dana Perino
made the false claim that ABC&#8217;s Diane Sawyer had asked Gov. Mitt Romney about putting his dog Seamus
on the roof of his car. &#8220;That was her first question,&#8221; Perino claimed. &#8220;Not how are you going to
create jobs? What is going wrong? How will you turn things around? It was why did you let your dog
ride on the roof of the car,&#8221; she asked breathlessly. Such a claim against a member of the supposed
&#8220;liberal media,&#8221; would continue to advance the notion that news outlets other than Fox News aren&#8217;t
appropriately taking Romney seriously.


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't buy yours or any other lefties garbage that Fox News isn't reliable news meme.

- On a number of Fox News shows on June 12th, 2012 Karl Rove, Steve Doocy, Sean Hannity and Patti
Ann Browne overstated and misstated the findings contained within a Federal Reserve Board Survey by
claiming that a 38.8 percent drop in the median net worth of Americans had taken place during &#8220;the
last three years.&#8221; (Read: It&#8217;s all Obama&#8217;s fault)

I have Literally Dozens of these


New Member
- On the April 19th, 2012 edition of Fox and Friends, Steve Doocy deliberately misquoted a statement
made by President Obama during a speech he gave on the previous day. While interviewing Gov. Mitt
Romney, Doocy claimed the president had said, &#8220;Unlike some people, I wasn&#8217;t born with a silver spoon
in my mouth,&#8221; which gave the distinct impression that he had been referring to Romney. Romney
immediately pounced on the intentional misstatement as if the president had been talking about hi
Again Cheezy, your using examples of opinion talk shows and trying to claim it's news, major fail.
Do you really not know the difference?

And I'll ask you, where do you get your news, list a couple of sources.


New Member
- On a number of Fox News shows on June 12th, 2012 Karl Rove, Steve Doocy, Sean Hannity and Patti
Ann Browne overstated and misstated the findings contained within a Federal Reserve Board Survey by
claiming that a 38.8 percent drop in the median net worth of Americans had taken place during &#8220;the
last three years.&#8221; (Read: It&#8217;s all Obama&#8217;s fault)

I have Literally Dozens of these
Dozens of what, talk show comments?
That's like having a pound of fools gold, sorry pal, you're not rich.

Perhaps I should start posting some misinformation from the View and Bill Maher!:clap: