administering cannabis for first timers


Active Member
Hey all I was going to call this post "talking to your parents about smoking pot" but realized it had a broader implication that could help others.
There are a lot of people in some type of pain out there that can benefit from cannabis, but not everyone. In my dad I see anxiety and depression that could be helped by this blue dream I have. Would anyone have any tips on how to talk to someone about it thats never tried it? I'm worried most by the stony side of it and elderly, theres a little ride one goes on taking it.
Just tell him you got him it to see if he wanted to try it for medicinal purposes, or just for fun. Hell you could smoke it together!
Try get him to sit down with you and watch some videos like the WEED series by Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

When you do, have a joint of some nice, smooth, low flavour, high cbd, low thc bud hiding in your pocket.. because if you manage to get him to start watching the series, at a certain point, he could have a fleeting thought of possibly wanting to try it, and if you have everything ready to take the opportunity right then and there, and you give him a pleasurable first time experience smoking a joint, I think that would give you the highest chance of getting him to come around.
I think a joint of straight blue dream would knock his socks off and either put him to sleep or risk giving him a bad experience. If that's all you can give him, only offer one toke, and if he says he doesn't want any more definitely don't insist. If you insist, then that extra toke makes him too high, he'll probably never try it again. When it's your first time 1 toke is like 1 joint for a stoner. I don't know what your smoking habits are like but I think when we start to smoke every day it's easy to forget just how low our tolerance was when we first started. Every time I come off a tolerance break of any nature I need to have only 1 or 2 hits at a time or it's less enjoyable.

Maybe if you made some really weak edibles or a glycerine tincture to use sublingually that could be a nice introduction to the feeling of being high too if he's too averse to smoking things. Salves can be easily made with coconut oil and beeswax and have the highest likelihood of getting even the most uptight elder to try the "devil's weed". After they feel the pain relief of topical application it might uncloud their view of our much loved plant and open up their mind to try the other things mentioned. :peace:
Thanks guys, Nizza thats perfect news style although my parents think I'm on opiods and am not, and it might come across funny, but its perfect.
Yea have it around and casually be like hey.

Crap I new the Blue Dream was part satava that not a good idea fist time. Blueberry something.. Edibles although very nervous about it might be the best way, 5mg THC to something CBD. Gotta use CBD when talking to them as doctor recommended CBD.

I surprised the turnaround in public consensus of smoking the ganja, people see the real benefit. I hold no affinity to the recreational or medical classification system. Many people live out of their Recreational Vehicles, if living is a recreation then bong hits are an occupation.
Thanks guys, Nizza thats perfect news style although my parents think I'm on opiods and am not, and it might come across funny, but its perfect.
Yea have it around and casually be like hey.

Crap I new the Blue Dream was part satava that not a good idea fist time. Blueberry something.. Edibles although very nervous about it might be the best way, 5mg THC to something CBD. Gotta use CBD when talking to them as doctor recommended CBD.

I surprised the turnaround in public consensus of smoking the ganja, people see the real benefit. I hold no affinity to the recreational or medical classification system. Many people live out of their Recreational Vehicles, if living is a recreation then bong hits are an occupation.
Check out White Widow CBD

White Widow is like Blue Berry, Amsterdam staple, when I lived there there was something called "Silver Ghost" that I was told was the same thing as White Widow. Im in Vermont and dont have access to all these strains yet.

The Blue Dream I have is half CBD so the more I think about it a small hit might be good. Its like that White Widow, Its ment to treat depression so thats why the sativa is in there. Some Sativas dont produce panic like others, but India seems like the way to go for a newbie.