additude order progress


Active Member
Ok I ordered some seeds on 08/13/11 last saturday. They where shipped 08/15/11 last monday. And on 08/16/11 last tuesday where handed over to usps. Usps has been saying We have received notice that the
originating post is preparing to dispatch
this mail piece.
So far very unhappy with the shipping progress. Will keep you updated on my order status.
however I will add I'm not unhappy with attitude. I'm unhappy with the royal post and u s p s. attitude did a great job shipping them out when they did.
Yea, what he said. You shouldn't be disappointed, it will say that for a few days, then it'll say it's arrived in Jamaica, NY, then about two days after will be at your local Post office. Pretty quick I think
it takes a long time for the shipping info to update once its in america

Most of my orders would not show up for a while after clearing customs. But then after they show coming into NY or wherever they are usually here (Cali) the next day. Be patient, I've never had any issues with Attitude!
i assume its your first order. dont worry they will arrive. the mail service is not called "snail mail" for nothing. good luck on our order
I to ordered from the tude on same day as you did. My order also says it was handed to usps on the 16th. As of today, 9 days later still says the same damn thing. This is my 2nd order from the tude and my first order was here in the middle us in 5 days from dispatch :( hope there is not a problem with customs. We post here when my beans are located.
Hey stoner2399 heard anything on your beaners yet?? My tracking status is still the same :( please let me now when you hear something. thanks