Adding veg nutes in flowering phase to counter nitrogen deficiency?


Active Member
I have a hydro grow that's been in flowering for maybe 2 weeks (I'm still not too sure how long it's been... but it's on week 6 right now, and I'm starting to see some frosty calyxes in addition to many pistils). It is an autoflowering AK47 strain (lowryder #2 x AK47). However, it LOOKS like shit compared to how it looked (pristine, beautiful) during vegetative phase. Leaves are yellowing, some browning/dying, and on top of that it got heat stressed (my fault).

I'm thinking there's at least a nitrogen deficiency, but I was wondering if I should add a little bit of my veg nutes to my nutrient water, which currently contain my flowering nutes which I believe have a lot less nitrogen. Is it bad to add nitrogen containing nutes during flowering phase? Should I leave it be? Or, does it look like nute BURN? If it matters, I am using the Liquid Earth growth nutes.

Note: The "green" parts of the plant are, I believe, the same shade in both the before and after pics. The reason the before pic looks darker green is due to lighting and the white balance on the camera.

2 weeks into flowering:

2 weeks ago, when I switched nutes from veg nutes to flowering nutes:


Active Member
Did You Just Stop Feeding Veg Food Strate Away Cus A Plant Veg,s For 2 - 3 Weeks Ov The Flowering Cycle Aswell I Always Feed Them Veg Nutes For First 2 Weeks Ov Flowering Gradually Cutting It Down Over The 2 Weeks Yelowing Ov The Leaves Maybe A Lockout Cus Plants Had A bit Ov Shock On The Feed You Fed Her I Seen It A Few Times Sudden Change In Feeding Schedule?
Ok, I think I get what you're trying to say...

Yes, it was kind of a sudden change. Now that you made me think about it, I DID have some residual veg phase nutrient water (maybe 0.5-1 gal) in the reservoir, but I thought it wouldnt hurt if I kept it in there and just added the new 2 gal of flowering nute water. Maybe, if that was the case, it COULD be nute burn after all... hm....
I actually just read this earlier today..

"Switching immediately to a flowering ratio (A low N ratio) from veg can result in premature yellowing. Remember to flush veg ferts out first!"

Might be the issue as the person above me stated...


I have got the same problem. my hindu kush is at the end of week 4 flowering, and the leaves have all gotten much lighter in color. Some of the stems at the top of teh plant near the buds are red/purple almost in color, and a few of teh leaves are getting purple on them. I am almost positive this is a nitrogen deficiency. so my question is do I add my botanicare pro grow nutes to my pro bloom and liquid karma that i give it?


Active Member
i have the same thing going gonna use some of my 20-20-20 veg ferts next watering to make up for the lack of N in my tiger bloom 2-4-8 nutes