Adding new plants to grow in progress


I currently have three AK48 that are nine days in soil. One looks great and the other two are much 'weaker' looking. Thanks for the kick in the balls mother nature. I'm worried I may only end up with one plant. I all ready know that I should have planned better. Another lesson learned. I mean what if they all three turn out to be boys anyway. I need to learn to think. My question is this: At this point can I crack more seed and double the size of my grow. The previous three seeds took five days to crack and I put into soil the same day. Can I let the first three do a week extra vegging and the latter three short them a week of vegging. I will probably just let this one go the way it is but I am curious. How strict are the guidelines of five week of veg and nine weeks of flower? Does it depend on strain? Next time I will plan better. I understand that this is one of the primary keys to a good grow.


New Member
Every strain is different and growing conditions and plant health have a lot to do with time frames. They are always given by breeders and growers but take them as a benchmark never the gospel. Just go by how the plant is growing, size etc.. to determine when is the optimal time for you to switch from 18/6 to 12/12 etc..

You can add plants or seeds anytime. I run clones, veg and flowers so I get 2-3 plants harvesting every 2-3 weeks.. it takes awhile to get it going but when its running it is nice to be harvesting every couple three weeks.


Well-Known Member
ive grown and love the ak-48 really potent done properly if you got the room for more and are able to handel all the size increases of the plants in 12/12 the hell yeah crack them bitches