Adding Cfl's


Active Member
Hey guys my current setup I have is 2 x 26w Daylight Cfl Fluro bulbs, 3x 26w Cfl's (I believe they are a warm white color they look almost yellow compared to the daylight bulbs), and a what I believe is a t5 Fluro tube fixture. My question is right now my plant is nearing the end of its vegetation stage, its not a extremely tall plant prolly near a foot atm but it seems to be filling in below since I topped it. Ive been mixing up the setups and basically im wondering if adding warm light cfl's to the setup will help its veg. stage? I know that daylight bulbs are generally used for vegging while warm or soft white is used for Flowering.

Right now I am using 2x 26 Daylight Cfl's 1x Warm Cfl and my t5 fluro tube for vegging, I intend to keep it in veg. stage for another week or so. Then I am going to change my setup to mostly warm fluros since I have a few I am currently not using.


Well-Known Member
no i meant mixed spectrum for flowering and i did say more warm than day for flowering. I say two thirds warm one third day should work great. I use Hps and Metal halide, but if i used cfl's that is how i would do it.


Well-Known Member
no problem in my opinion a mixed spetrum is best for flowering you do need more warm light than day though, and the plants truely enjoy it


Well-Known Member
Yh mixing light spectrums in flowering is a good thing mixing in vegging or flowering will help the sun has alot of red spectrum but that not to say it hasnt got any others
use all you can .
i got
1 x 125w 2100k
2 x 85w 2700k
3 x 25w 4000k- 6400k


Well-Known Member
yeh i have these for flowering

1 x 125w 2700k
1 x 26w 2700k
3 x 20w 2700k
2 x 18w t8 flouros full spectrum